Chapter 28

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Mia's House

"No offense Grayson. But I think you should stay in the car," I say. "She'll get like...triggered if she sees you."

He laughs. "Okay. I'll be waiting."

I close the car door and knock on Mia's door. Seconds later, her brother opens the door.

"Hey. Is Mia here?" I ask.

"Yeah. She's upstairs," he says. I go upstairs and go to her bedroom door.

I take a deep breath before going in. I turn the door knob and see the unexpected.

Geo and Mia on the bed... When they notice me, they quickly got under the sheets.

"Madison!" Mia yells.

"What the fuck Mia! I tell you that Geo got me pregnant and you mess around with him anyway! And Geo, I told you, you were a fuckboy!" I yell. 

"It's not my problem you think that sweetie. Grayson is the same, you just don't realize it," Geo says.

"Grayson is not like you and he will never be like you. You both disgust me!" I say and walk out the room. I go back to Grayson's truck.

"How'd it go?" He asks.

"She was fucking around with Geo," I say and roll my eyes.

"What the hell. Why does every girl at our school do this to themselves. Why do they still trust Geo?" He says driving back to our house.

I sigh and look down at my nails. Grayson puts his hand on my thigh and lightly squeezes it making me feel a little better. [a/n: did I make you fan girl jazmin? hehe]


"I can't believe her," I say and shake my head.

Grayson looks at the time on his phone. "Babe, I leave in two hours."

"Thanks for making me feel better," I say sarcastically and he chuckles. He comes up to me and hugs me tightly.

"Let's go play video games," I say. He smiles widely. I know he loves video games.

As we're playing, it feels like time just flew by. It was time for Grayson to leave...


I came to the airport with Ethan and Grayson. I could tell Ethan was a little upset. Probably because of his breakup.

We were waiting for their flight to be called. I wanted to cry but I held the tears back. I wanted to be strong for Grayson. I know he wouldn't like to see me cry.

"I'll try to call you everyday okay?" Grayson says holding my hand. I nod and smile.

"Don't worry about it too much though. You're there for your fans," I say smiling.

He kisses my cheek.

After a while, their flight was called. As I heard the words it made my heart beat faster.

I hug Ethan. "Goodbye for now Eth, have fun and don't think about Mia so much okay? You're supposed to be having the time of your life," I say.

"Thanks Maddie," he says and smiles. I turn to Grayson and he instantly brings me into a tight hug. I giggle into his shoulder.

"I'll miss you baby girl," he says making me weak. Damn this boy.

"I'll miss you more," I say.

"That's impossible," he says and laughs. We let go but he's still holding my hand.

I laugh. "You're gonna miss your flight! Go on," I say smiling.

"Madison," he says. I look at him in the eyes. "I love you."

That made me shed a tear and he noticed. "I love you too," I say and kiss his cheek.

"I'LL CALL YOU WHEN I LAND!" He yells as Ethan is dragging him away. I smile and nod.

Ups & Downs - Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now