Chapter 30

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After I finished my bath, I went downstairs like my dad said. "Sit down," he says once he sees me.

He had the dining tables chair in the middle of the living room. What the hell?

I sat down slowly and as I did he quickly put his arms around me and held a knife to my neck. I screamed loudly.

"Dad! What the hell are you doing?!" I exclaim.

"Get your phone out now!" He says. I do. "Now call Grayson and say all of this to him, or else."

He handed me a piece of paper.

"Don't read it now! Just call him and say it!" He says louder than ever. I was so frightened so I did as told. I go to my contacts and call him.

He answers after the second ring. My dad made me turn the camera the other way around so Grayson wouldn't see the knife.

"Hey babe," he says.

I started reading.

"Grayson, I don't want to be with you anymore," I say and start to cry. My dads grip tightens. "You are the pain to my existence and I never want to see you again. You treated me like shit and all the other girls you've ever been with. You're a f-fuckboy. You don't mean anything to me."

I didn't want to say anything else. "Dad please," I whisper and look up at him. Then, the knife touches my neck.

"Madison...what are you saying. What did I do wrong?" He asks. He was crying..

My dad hits the paper with his hand. I start reading again.

"You broke my heart. You always do s-something wrong. Always. I don't need you anymore. I never needed you," I say. There was a lot more but I couldn't read it with my loud sobs.

"Madison, what's going on? So you're saying I never meant anything to you? Where is this all coming from? You told me you loved me. Was all your love just fake? Why are you crying?"

"LET ME GO!" I say to my dad and try to fight my way out. I eventually get out but in the process I got a huge cut on my neck, a lot on my hand and one of my cheek.

I run out of the house and until I'm far enough away, I go into an alley. I see that Grayson hung up. I tried calling him again and again but he never answered so I texted him.

Grayson, please answer my call! I need to talk to you!

Grayson: Why would you say all those things? You were just showing me fake love all this time? Why? Why would you waste your time doing that?

Just answer me please!

I call him again and this time he answers. His face pops up on my screen.

"What the hell happened?" He asks.

I was breathing heavily. "My dad made me read something that he wrote and he made me say it to you. None of those things are true! You have to believe me! He was holding a knife to my neck and I got away from him. I got cut all over. I love you Grayson. I wasn't showing fake love to you," I say. "I just can't go back home now. My mom is on a business trip and Cameron is at a friends house," I say.

"Babe, I believe you. Why does he hate me that much though? Are you okay?"

"No. Everything fucking hurts," I say.

"Please be safe. Call Cameron or something," he says. I nod.

"I'll be right back okay?" I say and he nods. I hang up and quickly call Cameron.

Ups & Downs - Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now