Chapter 37

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Madison POV

When I made it home, I saw my mom sitting on the couch. I went over to her.

"Hey mom," I say.

"Hey Madison. Did you have fun?" She asks and I nod and smile.

"But I need to ask you a serious question," I say.


"Grayson is moving to LA and he wants me to move in with him and Ethan," I say.

"You want to move in with two boys in LA?" She asks.

"Well two guys and Mia if Mia's mom agrees," I say.

"No Madison. You're sixteen. That's ridiculous," she says.

"They literally just turned seventeen though!" I say.

"Well guess what? I'm not their mom," she says. I sigh and go up to my room and call Grayson.

Ethan POV

I kneeled in front of Mia and tried calming her down. She was sobbing uncontrollably. I rubbed her leg as she cried into her hands.

"Mia! I want you to move in with me," I say. She becomes silent and takes her hands off her face. Her makeup was everywhere.

"What?" She asks softly.

"I want you to move in with me and Grayson," I say.

"I-I don't know if I can," she says.

"Just ask. Madison went home to ask her mom as well," I say. "Imagine how fun it would be to have a house of our own. All four of us."

"Ethan, I really would love to but..I have school and my parents..." she says.

"Let's go ask your parents then," I say and hold out my hand. She smiles a little and takes my hand. She said her parents were in the basement where everyone just chills. I've already met her parents before so this time I wasn't too nervous.

Madison POV

I was crying over the phone FaceTiming Grayson telling him everything my mom said. "I can't be with you anymore..." I say.

"No, don't say that Madison," he says.

"I can't do long distance Grayson. I can't," I say.

"Babe please, do it for me. I love you too much to just let you go again," he says his voice quivering.

"Grayson, what's the point of being in a relationship if I'm hardly ever gonna se-" I start but I stop when I see Ethan and Mia coming upstairs cheering behind him.

"What happened?" Grayson asks them.

"Mia's moving in with us!" Ethan says happily and twirls Mia around and kisses her. I sigh to myself.

Grayson mutes the call and tells them something. Their smiles turn into frowns and they walk away.

"Grayson, I'm gonna go," I say and sigh again.

"Wait no. Madison please don't leave me," he says.

I end the call.

"Wait no!" I hear. I look up and see that my mom burst into my room. I look at her confused.

"What?" I ask. She sits next to me.

"I heard everything Madison. You really do love and care about him don't you?" She says.

I nod looking down.

"You know what?" She says. I look up at her. "You're going to LA!"

My eyes widen and I jump up in excitement. "WHAT?" I exclaim. My mom laughs. I hug her tightly. "Thank you thank you thank you!"

"I trust you okay Madison? You have made mistakes and I forgive you. You have gained my trust again. I'm giving you a second chance," she says. I smile widely at her.

"Wait. Where's Cameron?" I ask.

"He moved in with his friend. I was going to tell you when you came home but you brought up the LA thing," she says.

"But doesn't that mean you're going to be alone here?" I ask.

"I may be seeing someone," she says and I scream.

"Ahhh! Yes mom!" I say excitedly. She smiles.

"Now you pack your stuff and tell your little boyfriend the news!" She says and I smile.

"I'm not going to tell him until it's time for him to leave," I say and laugh evilly. She laughs.

"You definitely are a little devil. Goodness, I'm worried now," she says and I laugh.


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