Chapter 25

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Madison POV

"Just tell me babe," he says. I let out a deep breath.

"I'm pregnant," I say quietly. He just sits there silently. "Please talk Grayson."

"You...cheated on me?" He asks and looks down.

"No, no! Geo did this!" I say. "At the party...I would never do that to you Gray."

"You're pregnant...with Geo's baby," he says.

"You're the first one I told besides my mom," I say. "I still need to tell Geo."

"Do we...need to break up?" Grayson asks and my heart shattered.

"No Gray please. We can work this out," I say and squeeze his hand.

"It's not my baby Maddie," he says.

"I'm not going back to Geo," I say.

"So what do we do then?" He asks.

"I don't know anymore. I have school and everything, I feel so bad, I'm gonna have to leave it with my mom once I have it," I say and run my hands through my hair stressed out.

"Babe," he says. I look up at him. "We can take care of it together," he says and smiles.

I smile and hug him tightly. "Are you sure? Remember it's not your child, and I hate saying that."

"I'm sure. Even if it's not my child, I wanna help you through this," he says and I cry into his shoulder.

"Well, now I have to tell Geo," I say and sigh. "I wish I listened to you about the fuckboy thing," I say and put my head on his shoulder.

"Its okay Maddie," he says and kisses my nose. I giggle. "Well, I'm gonna go now, I'll talk to you later okay?"

I nod and hug him. I go back into my house and get my phone out to text Geo.

Hey jerk. I need you to come over my place. I need to tell you something.

Geo: Is your little boyfriend there that wants to beat me up again?

Just come over.

Twenty Minutes Later

When Geo arrived, I went outside again and once he saw me, he smiled. I sighed.

"What's up baby girl?" He asks me.

"Don't call me that," I say. "What I needed to tell you is that your dumbass got me pregnant."

His eyes went wide. "Shit," I hear him say under his breath. "I-I can help you. I don't know wether to be happy or not."

"I am not happy. First of all, why would I want to have a kid with someone who just used me for pleasure? Second of all, I'm fucking sixteen years old! Do you think I wanna have a baby?!"

"I'm sorry. I'm gonna help you. I won't leave you, I swear," he says.

"Too late. Grayson's helping me. I don't want to even see you anymore," I say.

"Grayson is not helping you! It is not his child! I want to see my child when he's born and I wanna be at the hospital, holding your hand as you're giving birth because it is my child!"

This made me think twice about him. He actually cares about it being his child. He treated me like shit though. I wouldn't want him to be there when the baby is born even if it's his because we didn't even mean for this to happen.

"Look, I am truly sorry okay? I just can't believe you took advantage of me. I will never forgive you for that," I say.

"This is so wrong! You're not gonna let me see my own fucking child?!" He yells. "Might as well get an abortion!" He yells as he walks away.

"Real mature Geo! Why the fuck would I have an abortion! You were over here like 'oh my gosh! Let me see my baby!' And now you're telling me to have an abortion! You're a fuckboy and don't deserve to use my body like that you fucking pervert!" I yell loudly.

He turns around and walks back to me fast. I felt like he was gonna punch or slap me but he just got real close to me.

"So now you think I'm a fuckboy?" He says anger in his voice.

"Exactly! You've messed around with half the girls at our school! And who knows how many of those girls you took advantage of! Now I have to have back pains, cramps, sores and all that shit for nine months because of you! Fuck you, get off this yard!"

He looked at me for a minute and then left. I sighed.

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