Chapter 21

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Madison POV

It was currently Sunday afternoon and I was just in bed. I haven't eaten breakfast. I really didn't wanna see anyone right now, especially my parents. I can't believe Geo did that. Everyone was right about him. Just then, my phone dings.

Geo: Hey wanna come over?

Ugh fuck off, I thought. My phone dings again.

Mia: Hey Maddie. Are you okay? I saw Grayson carrying you out Geo's house. I was looking for you everywhere at the party.

You were right Mia.

Mia: About what?


Mia: Oh my gosh, what did he do to you?

You know what he did.

Mia: Wait..

He got me drunk and took advantage of me.

Mia: I told you Maddie! Did your parents find out?

I told them.

Mia: Why?!

Because if I'm pregnant and they don't know what am I gonna tell them?? Might as well tell them right away. I'm grounded now.

Mia: I'm sorry.

Don't apologize, I'M sorry.

I put my phone down and look outside my window. It looked like a cold day. I wanted to text Grayson, I wanted to call him, FaceTime him. But I can't. I feel terrible for doing that to him. Sometimes I just can't think straight.

I'm just sixteen...I don't want to be a mom and I don't want Geo to be the dad. Please God.

I'm just sixteen...a sixteen year old shouldn't be worrying about this kind of stuff. I didn't do it. Geo did it. If I wasn't drunk I wouldn't have done it. I feel a little lightheaded and I get up and run to the restroom and throw up. This reminded me of Cameron.

Sometimes women who are pregnant throw up. That made me worry way more. I breathe heavily.

Geo thinks he can just do anything with girls at school. Like were his slaves. He's taking it too far now and I wanna get revenge.

Next Day

I woke up and did everything normal people do in the morning.

I put on an outfit and I grabbed my backpack. I go downstairs and go to my car. I didn't wanna ride with Cameron. It would just be awkward. I left the house without telling my parents and I got in my car.


I park my car and walk toward Mia and Ethan. I sighed in relief that Grayson wasn't there.

"Hey Madison," they both say.

"Hey guys," I say and smile.

I look around and I see Geo park his car and get out. Absolutely everyone was staring at him. He came up to me and grabbed my arm.

"Let's go over here," he says.

"Hey why don't you just let go of her," Ethan says grabbing Geo's arm.

"You don't control me Ethan. Come here," Geo says and grabs my arm again. This time he pulled me really hard.

He was pushed away from me again but this time it was Grayson.

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