Chapter 27

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Next Day

Today, Grayson was leaving for tour. He was going to LA first.

We were hanging out all day. It was about five in the afternoon and Grayson would leave in about three hours.

I suddenly got a message.

Mia: I miss you

I looked at the message confused. Maybe it was for someone else.

You do realize this is Madison right?

Mia: Yes, I know.

What do you mean you miss me Mia?

Mia: We never hang out anymore. I always ask you if you wanna hang out and you say you're with Grayson. Is Grayson the new Mia? We've been friends forever. Now that you have a boyfriend, we never hangout. I had a boyfriend and I still invited you to things. I don't just leave you behind..because we're best friends. I truly miss the old you.

Mia...I'm so sorry. You're my best friend. I never realized how much I cut you out of my life. I'm sorry, it's just that I'm just stressed right now. I'm pregnant...Grayson is leaving for tour...Geo and I got into a dad wants to kill me. I'm just so stressed out.

Mia: Wait, wait, wait. You're pregnant?

Yes. And it's all Geo's fault. I didn't want to have a baby at sixteen. I hate my life right now.

Mia: We have a lot to catch up on. Can I come over?

Uhhh. Aboooout that...

Mia: You're with Grayson.

I'm sorry Mia. He's leaving tonight and I'm gonna miss him so much.

Mia: You're gonna miss him so much? You're gonna miss a guy you met last month that III introduced you to and you don't miss your best friend that you met in like what? PRE SCHOOL?

Mia please. He's leaving and then we can talk.

Mia: You're just using me! When you have no one to talk to, you come to me! When you look like a loner and wanna do something but your BOYFRIEND isn't there, you come to me! I'm done with you Madison. Bye.

Mia! Seriously?!

I threw my phone on the couch across the room.

"Woah. What's wrong babe?" Grayson asks me.

"Mia's mad at me because we don't hang out anymore and she thinks I'm using her for when I'm bored and have no one else to talk to," I say.

"But she has Ethan..." Grayson says.

"That's what I don't understand. If I'm busy, why doesn't she just go hang out with Ethan."

"Ooooh crap," Grayson says. I look at him confused.


"I totally forgot! Fuck," he says. "Ethan and Mia broke up."

My eyes go wide. I look at the messages again. Mia said, 'I HAD a boyfriend'. "Omg. W-why did they break up?" I ask.

"Ethan was being a little bitch to her. I don't know. They were fighting and they broke up," he says. I felt awful. She needed me. She needed her best friend. She wanted to tell me...but I didn't give her the chance to.

"Grayson? Can you drive me to Mia's house? I really need to talk to her," I say.

"Anything for you," he says. I smile. We get up and go to Grayson's truck.

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