Chapter 16

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Cameron POV

I was having the greatest time of my life hanging out with my friends. Yeah...I drank a little but eh it's okay. I was at a party. Our mom said not to go to parties but I don't really care. She's not here so why not? Why just waste my time staying home all day.

My friends invited me to do beer pong and then after that we chugged a pitcher of beer.

Madison POV

It was midnight and Cameron still hasn't come home. I felt like such a mom waiting for him to come home and I was actually kinda worried. I called him.

"Whatttt?" He says.

"Cameron where are you?!" I exclaim.


"Cameron, its Madison! Where the fuck are you?" I say.

"I tooooldd you! I'm at a friends house!" He says. He sounded very drunk.

"Tell me where you are or I'm tracking you down," I say.

"I'm at Jack's house! Oh my gosh," he says. I hang up on him and get in my car. I didn't really understand why I was getting mad at Cameron. I was going to sneak out to go to a party. If I get caught, Cameron can't say anything because he went to one too.

I drove to his friends house and once I got there I knocked on the door.

"Hey beautiful, here for the party?" Some guy says holding the door open.

"Where's my brother?" I ask.

He stared at me for a while. "Wait whaat?"

I rolled my eyes and went past him. I looked everywhere I could. Some girls in tight dresses gave me dirty looks. They looked like they were from my school, couldn't really notice with the hundreds of pounds of makeup they have on. I finally spot Cameron with a beer in his hand.

I go over to him and pull his arm and pull him out of that house. "Oh heeey Madison!" He says.

"Shut the fuck up and get in the car," I say and he does. I wasn't mad that he went to a party. I was mad that he got drunk there and he's labeled 'responsible' by my parents but then again...I am sneaking out. Okay, none of us are responsible.

The ride back home was silent, and I liked it that way.

Once we got home Cameron went on the couch and watched Netflix. I went upstairs and brushed my teeth and got in bed.

Next Day

The next day I was hanging out with Mia outside of Starbucks. We didn't get anything we just sat there.

"So what'd you do yesterday?" I ask.

"Nothing much. I just hung out with Ethan a bit and then I watched tv the rest of the day," Mia says. "What about you?"

"Well, I recorded a video with Grayson for his channel and I found my drunk brother at a party which my mom told us not to go to," I say and laugh a bit.

"Woah and woah," Mia says.

"Yeeeah," I say.

"So have you had your first kiss yet?" Mia asks. I look at her with wide eyes.

"What? No Mia," I say. "I don't move that fast."

"Oh my gooosh Madison! Why are you such a goody-goody? You're no fun," she says.

"Goody-goody?" I say and burst out laughing. "Bro, I'm sneaking out to go to a party okay?"

"Ugh I guess but Grayson is gonna get bored of the relationship if you don't move it," Mia says.

"He's not like that!" I say kinda offended.

"Well I already had my first kiss with Ethan," Mia says and smiles widely.

"Mia, I'm warning you, don't move so fast," I say.

"He's not going to leave me Madison. He's not like thaaaat," she says mocking me.

I roll my eyes and giggle.

"Ugh, I can't be mad at you."

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