Chapter 7

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Madison POV

"Hey Mia?" I say. She turns her head towards me. "You wouldn't happen to know why some girls were glaring at me would you?" I ask.

"Well considering you're wearing Grayson's hoodie, they were probably jealous," Mia says.

"Why would they be jealous?" I ask.

"OHMYGOSH! Do you not have a brain Maddie?? He's hot! What else would it be?" Mia exclaims.

"Okay okay, calm down," I say and laugh.

"Do you not see it or what Maddie? He's like a goddess," Mia says.

"I don't just go for the looks Mia," I say. "Okay, he's hot but I wouldn't date him just because of that."


I roll my eyes. "Everyone's gonna stare. Be quiet," I say.

"Well what else do you want out of him Maddie? He's hot, he's funny, he's fit, he's a millionaire probably billionaire," she says.

"No he's not," I say and laugh.

"They probably are. Look at this house and they get paid a lot," Mia says.

"For doing what? Where do they work?" I ask.

She face palms herself. "I thought you knew all of this Maddie," she says. I shake my head no. "Their YouTubers! They are fucking famous and shit."

"Oh what the fuck," I say and laugh.

"Ugh! Maddie you have no idea how lucky we are to have them talking to us," Mia says.

"So you like Ethan just because he's famous, rich and hot?" I ask.

"No of course not! I'm not a bitch. I already know how they act because of their YouTube channel. Their hilarious," she says.

"I've never seen one of their videos," I say.

"When we go home I'm gonna send you a link and I know you'll laugh," Mia says. I nod laughing. "Actually, I don't care, we're gonna watch one right now."

She takes her phone out of her pocket and goes to YouTube. The video she went to was titled 'Ice Bath Challenge'. "You picked the one where they take their shirts off on purpose didn't you?" I ask.


"Damn, they are fit," I say and laugh as we watch the video.

"I told you!" She says.

"Okay I've seen enough. Turn your phone off before they see we're watching their video," I say and laugh. She turns her phone off and puts it back in her pocket.

"So? What do you think about him now?" She asks.

"Okay, they have abs. Not gonna change the fact that I like Geo," I say and she groans loudly. Just then, my phone rings. Mom.


"Madison! It's nine at night! Where are you?" She exclaims.

"Mom the party isn't over yet. Just a little longer please," I beg.

"It's too late Madison. Get home right now!" She says. I roll my eyes.

"At least let me stay until ten o'clock. What do you expect me to do? This is a Christmas party. There's no beer, were fucking sixteen and seventeen years old," I say.

"Watch your language! I don't care what you have to say. Get home now or you're grounded for a week and no technology!" She says and hangs up.

I wanted to scream so bad. "Let me guess, you need to go home right now?" Mia says.

"Yeah, my moms not cool like yours," I say and laugh rolling my eyes.

"Why is your mom so strict? It's just nine o'clock," she says.

"Mia I don't know how to explain. If I could, I would stay here until one in the morning. She's just like that," I say. Out of the corner of my eye I see Cameron walking toward me.

"Mom said we have to leave now. Let's go," he says. I groan as I get up.

"Mia you can stay here if you want. Someone can give you a ride, I'm sure," I say.

"Nah it's fine. I rather go with you," she says. As we open the front door I hear the twins behind us.

"You guys leaving already?" Ethan asks.

"Yeah," Mia says.

"Let's just say my moms a pretty boring, strict person," I say and roll my eyes. They laugh. Before we leave, I quickly take Grayson's hoodie off and give it to him. Luckily, I didn't forget.

"Well, see you guys. Later Cam," they say.

We got in the car and dropped Mia off and then went home.

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