Chapter 35

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Mia and I went home after shopping and eating ice cream. It was two weeks later and I really wanted to do something. I hated just laying around in the house. I've wanted to do so many things like skydiving, snowboarding, ice skating, just go somewhere other than New Jersey. But of course, my mom would never let me do that.

For the past days I've needed to think of something to do but I always end up doing the same thing. Just laying around.

Luckily, I had Mia to company me. We were currently in my room watching YouTube videos. More specifically, the twins videos.

"I miss him," I say as we watch the video. "It's only a month but it feels like years."

Mia laughs. "Yeah. Since me and Ethan have gotten together, we haven't even seen each other in person," she says. I nod.

When we finished watching the video, I FaceTimed Grayson. He picked up quickly.

"COUPLE. MORE. DAYS!" He yells when I see his face. I laugh.

"YAAAAY!" I say.

"What have you been doing while I'm gone?" He asks.

"Hanging out with Mia," I say and Mia gets into the camera and sticks her tongue out.

He laughs. "I love going on stage and meeting lots of people but I miss home," he says.

"I should've gone with you," I say.

"That's what I asked you when I was about to leave!" He says.

"I'm just joking. I didn't want to go because I wanted it to be all about you and Ethan. Because it is just about you two. I didn't wanna come into the picture," I say.

"So you lied to me?" He asks.

"Yup," I say and giggle. He groans. "Oh and also, I'm homeschooled now."

"What really?" He asks and I nod. "Why?"

"My mom thinks it's dangerous to be around that many people after what happened with my dad," I say and look down.

"I'm sorry babe," he says. I smile weakly at him.

"Grayson, we need to be there in like twenty minutes. Let's go," I hear Ethan say.

"Okay. Maddie, I need to go. I'll call you later okay?" Grayson says.

"Okay," I say. "Byee."

He hangs up. "What now?" I ask Mia.

"I don't know but Ethan sounded hooot when he was talking to Grayson," she says and I laugh.

"I still can't believe I fell in love with a guy you introduced me to," I say.

"Hey, no problem," she says and winks at me. I laugh.

~A Week Later~

Today, Grayson and Ethan were finally gonna come home. I was extremely excited to see them.

Mia and I got ready to go to the airport. I put on an outfit. *Picture above*


We got to the airport. When we entered I immediately saw both of them waiting with their things. Mia screamed and I covered my ears and hit her arm and they laughed. She ran up to Ethan and jumped into his arms.

Grayson just looked at me and I laughed as I went up to him and hugged him tightly. He picked me up off the ground a little and set me back down. He didn't let go of me and we just stared into each other's eyes.

"Just do it already," I say and he smashes his lips onto mine. It felt as if fireworks were exploding everywhere around me. Our first kiss. Good thing Cameron isn't here.

When we let go, we noticed that Ethan and Mia were staring. We looked at them as I'm still in Grayson's arms and Mia screams again.

"SHIP SHIP SHIP!" Mia sings.

"GOALS GOALS GOALS!" Ethan sings. They hook their arms together and dance in circles.

Grayson and I laugh loudly. I was having the best time of my life.

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