Chapter 19

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Madison POV

It was finally Saturday and now I was kinda nervous. Maybe because of Grayson. Everything right now is really complicated. I like Grayson, I really do but he broke up with me. Now I'm going with Geo, that isn't so bad right? Might as well get another date.

I have to admit though, I feel like a bitch showing up with another guy because if he showed up with another girl I would get so jealous. That's what I'm trying to do aren't I?

I don't even know anymore.

It was six PM and I was getting ready for the party. I showered and put on my dress I bought yesterday with Geo.

I slip on white converse, put my hair down wavy and put a white small flower crown in

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I slip on white converse, put my hair down wavy and put a white small flower crown in. I sprayed some perfume on myself and I was ready.

Geo: Want me to pick you up pretty lady?

No, no it's fine. What's the point of picking me up and going right back to your house.

Geo: Okay, get here safely.

I will.

I go outside and start walking.

Grayson POV

I was just preparing myself seeing Madison go through the door and my love for her will come back. Don't get me wrong, I still like her I just didn't think I was ready and I don't wanna mess up because I care about her.

Moments later, she walks in. Alone. When I could've been there standing next to her with my arm around her.

But then I see Geo go up to her. They hug and start talking. I see that he keeps checking her out looking at her up and down. He's disgusting. He thinks we're cool and best pals but I really don't like him. He treats all girls at our school like shit even when they deserve to be treated like queens.

I see her glance at me a couple times. When she sees that I'm looking she kinda gets closer to Geo. I know what she's doing...and it's working.

Madison POV

I see Grayson look away and I kinda chuckle to myself. Oh my gosh. I'm so evil and I feel terrible.

"Want some?" Geo asks holding out a beer.

"Oh, no. I don't drink and I'm kinda underage," I say.

"C'mon just a little. It won't hurt anybody. Don't be boring," Geo says and laughs.

I groan in my mind and take the beer. I open it and take a gulp. It tasted awful.

"There you go," he says and laughs. "First to chug it all first wins! Go!"

I didn't know how to react, he was already chugging and I was just standing there trying to think quickly. Then, I started chugging. As awful as it was I drank it all. I could tell I was a bit tipsy now.

Geo laughs at me as I'm getting dizzy. "Already? You just drank one can!" He says.

"Yyyyyeeah," I say and laugh. He gives me another can and I can't control myself. I chug it all down. Another after another after another.

I was really dizzy. Geo took my hand and lead me upstairs to his room and he pushes me on his bed. He gets on top of me and starts kissing me. I kiss back. He puts his hand at the bottom of my dress.

"May I?" He asks.

"...Wha?? Oh of cooourse," I say.

He takes my dress off leaving me in my undergarments. He starts kissing me again.

Let's just say it escalated from there.

I will never in my life write smut :))

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