Chapter 15

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Madison POV
Next Day

It was Wednesday and no school because it was snowing a lot again. The news said there was going to be two or three feet of snow.

All I could think of was the party. I was kinda scared I would get caught but I'm also really excited to go. Three more days.

I was home alone while Cameron was at a friends house. I know, he's watching over me so well. Anyways, I was sitting down eating ice cream until I got a message.

Grayson: Hey(: wanna be in one of our videos?


Grayson: Yeah why not? 


Grayson: Okay were recording today so we don't have to be in a rush on Monday.

Okay, I'll be over in a few minutes.

Grayson: I'll pick you up it's okay.

Alright, see you later :)

I'm gonna be in a video with them...millions of people are gonna watch. Am I gonna be famous now? I mean, that would be cool but I just like being a normal person to be honest.

After a while I hear someone beep outside and just then I remembered I couldn't hang out with Grayson. My heart started thumping fast. I can't say no now. I called Cameron and told him I would be with Mia. He sounded...well ..drunk. Oh my lord, I knew I should've been in charge.

I went outside and opened the door and I see Grayson smiling. I get in and he drives.

Grethan's House

Once I got there I saw the camera set up and the lights. It looked really professional. "What are we going to record?" I ask.

"Girlfriend and boyfriend tag," Grayson says.

"Wait so Ethan's not going to be in the video?" I ask. He shakes his head no. "I don't want anyone to think I'm trying to replace him."

"Its okaaay. I'll say it was my idea at the end of the video and Ethan is going to ask the questions anyways."

I nod and we start the video.

After the intro, Ethan starts asking the questions. The funny thing is we met days ago and we sorta just clicked and now we're dating but I don't know a lot about him just yet.

"Okay, so what is Madison's favorite color?" Ethan's asks.

"Uh. Purple?"

"Yup," I say and smile.

"Madison, what is Grayson's favorite color?"

"Blu- green," I say.

"Yeeeah! Almost got it wrong," he says and we laugh.

"What is Madison's dogs name?" Ethan asks.

Grayson looks at me confused. I giggle. "Uhh I don't know. I didn't even know you had a dog," Grayson says.

"It's because I don't have a dog dummy," I say and laugh.

"NO! DANG IT," Grayson says and I laugh.

"What is Grayson's sisters name?" Ethan asks me.

"I know this. I saw her on Instagram," I say trying to think. "Caaaaameron?" I say unsure.

"Final answer?" Ethan asks. I nod. "Correct."

"Ayeee," I say and laugh.

After the video. I ended up winning and there was a punishment. Grayson had to be pied in the face. Ethan and I put whip cream on a plate and Grayson was closing his eyes tightly getting ready.

"1, 2, 3!" I say and Ethan put it on his hair and I put it on his face.

"I did not agree to getting whip cream on my hair too!" Grayson says.

We put the plates down and I sit back down next to him and Grayson gets the whip cream off of his eyes and puts it on my face. I squeal.

"That's not fair!" I say and rub the whip cream on his hair to his face and I laugh.

".....alright well that's the end of the video!" Grayson says and I laugh. "Ready Ethan?" Ethan gets in the frame. "You know what to do right?" Grayson asks me.

I shake my head awkwardly. Ethan quickly whispers it to me and I giggle and nod.

"Hope you guys liked this weeks video! We love you guys aaaaand," Grayson says looking at us.


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