Chapter 24

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Madison POV

I started sobbing. I didn't want to know the answer. "What if I am mom?" I ask holding the stick in my hand.

"Madison, I told you to not come crying to me if you were pregnant but Cameron talked to me and told me I was being too harsh. I realized that I was being too harsh, I know you didn't mean to do it and I'm giving you one more chance. But I need you to listen to my rules from now on okay?" She says.

"Yes. Thank you mom," I say and hug her.

"Don't thank me. Thank Cameron," she says patting my back. I smile.

"What will we tell dad though?" I ask.

"He is just going to have to deal with it," she says and I half smile.

"Well, you do that and tell me the results after," she says and walks out the bathroom.

I closed and locked the door and looked in the mirror. I breathed in and out. Then finally, I peed on the stick and waited for the results. I waited for about five minutes in the bathroom.

My heart was beating so fast. Someone knocked on the door, I open it and see Cameron.

"Are you done with the bathroom? I need to pee," he says. I don't say anything and I just hug him. "What are you doing?"

"Thank you for talking to mom," I say.

"Well, you saved my ass so I thought I'd save yours," he says and I laugh. "You taking the test?" He asks pointing to the stick. I nod.

"Good luck," he says and leaves. I lock the door again. I look at the test. It was time to know. I slowly picked up the stick and I looked at it.


I dropped the stick and burst out crying. I let myself fall to the floor. Thoughts were filling my mind I felt like my head would explode.

What am I going to tell Grayson? He's going to know it's not his kid because we haven't done that kind of stuff. He's going to be heartbroken. How am I going to tell my dad? He's going to kill me. Fuck you Geo, fuck you. This is all his fault. I hate him and I always will. I can't believe I actually even liked him. Why didn't I just listen to Mia and Grayson.

Everyone a new horrible thought came into my mind I cried harder. Eventually, my mom knocked on the door hard.

I stood up and opened it. I breathed heavily and she just hugged me.

"It's okay. Shhh," she says. She let's go and I lay down on my bed. She brings me water and I drink some. "We will talk about this to your dad tomorrow okay?"

I just nod and she shuts the door quietly. I looked at he time. 6:28. I texted Grayson. I need to talk about this to him now. I won't keep this from him, he would find out anyway.

Hey Gray, can you come over? I really need to talk to you.

Grayson: Is it bad? ):

It's your choice if you think it's bad or okay.

Grayson: Okay, I'll be right over.

I sighed and I went downstairs. "I'm gonna be outside for a minute or two," I say and open the door.

I sit down on the stairs. After about three minutes, I see Grayson's truck pull up in the driveway.

He gets out and goes up to me and looks down at me. I just sigh. He sits next to me and holds my hands. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"I don't know how to tell you this," I say and cry. He wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer to him. I cry in his chest.

"Is it that bad?" He asks.

I nod.

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