Chapter 29

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"Bye mom! Bye dad!" I say as I head off for school. I close the front door. Grayson called me yesterday that he landed and we talked for a while. I decided to walk to school today.

Once I got there, I saw Mia standing alone on her phone. I saw Geo with his friends and every time he would glance at Mia. I roll my eyes.

I wanted to go apologize to Mia for not hanging out with her yesterday and I felt like a bitch until I found her and Geo in bed.

As the bell rings, we all go inside the school and as I do, I feel an arm on my shoulder. I turn and see Geo.

"Sooo, I heard Grayson is gone on tour," he says.

"Why would you care," I say shrugging his arm off me.

"Well that means he can't stand up for you now and now I can do anything with you," he says and smirks.

I slap him hard. He grabs his cheek as he winces. "I can stand up for myself asshole," I say and walk to class.

After School

As I'm waiting for my mom to pick me up, Mia has the nerve to come up to me.

"Hey," she says casually.

"What the fuck do you want?" I say and roll my eyes.

"Damn Madison, chill," she says. I don't say anything. "Look, I'm sorry okay? I know it was wrong to hook up with Geo after what you told me but I have a good reason."

"What is it then?" I ask.

"Ethan and I broke up over a dumb argument we were having and I felt so lonely, I felt unwanted and the only person who would straight away hook up with me is Geo aaaand that's basically it. I just miss Ethan," she says and looks down.

"I forgive you Mia. But don't ever do that again," I say. She hugs me and nods.

"Well, I'm sorry for not hanging out with you as much. It's just, when you have a boyfriend that you love so much, you can't really just let go. I don't know. I'm just a clingy bitch," I say and laugh.

She laughs too. "It's okay Maddie."

She looks at my stomach. "Don't even look," I say and sigh.

"There's already a little bump. Man, Geo is an asshole," she says and I nod.

I see my moms car pulling up. "Alright, well I gotta go," I say and we say our goodbyes and I leave.


"Madison, I'm leaving to go on another business trip okay? Its not as long. I'll be back tomorrow. Your dad is here but Cameron is staying over at a friends house," my mom says.

"Okay," I say and go upstairs. I go into my room and into my bathroom. I decided I would take a warm bath just to relax me. I strip down and got in. I got on my phone. It had a waterproof case on so I didn't need to worry.

I hear a knock on the door. "Yeah?" I say.

"Madison, after you're done come downstairs," I hear my dad say.

"Okay," I say confused and carry on with my bath.

Ups & Downs - Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now