Chapter 31

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After I called Cameron, he told me to walk to his friends house and meet him there. At first, he didn't believe me but then I showed him my cuts.

Once I got to his friends house, I saw him outside. "Are you okay?" He asks and I nod.

"We can't go back there Cameron and we have to warn mom. He's dangerous," I say.

"I already called mom. She told us not to go back there and she called the police."

I nod and he hugs me. "Let's get the blood off of you," he says and he leads me to the bathroom.

After that, I called Grayson and told him everything was alright. Cameron gave me my own room. The house was big but I didn't focus on that.

"How's the baby?" Grayson asks me.

"Fine I guess. There's already a little bump," I say and sigh a little.

"Just pretend it's my baby. It'll make it easier for you," he says and smiles. I smile back. It does make it kinda easier.

"Well I'm tired. I'm gonna go to sleep," I say.

"Okay. Do you want me to stay on the call until you go to sleep?" He asks.

"Yes please," I say and giggle.

"Okay. Goodnight," he says.

"Goodnight," I say.

Next Morning

I woke up but I was being carried to a car by Cameron. I see my mom in the drivers seat.

"Mom!" I say. She smiles at me. "What happened to dad?" I ask as Cameron gets in the passenger seat.

"He's gone to prison honey," she says and sighs. I nod and look down.


When I got home, I saw the chair I was sitting in. It gave me chills down my spine. "Cameron, Madison, I've decided to home school you two. I feel like it's too dangerous to just let you guys out with a lot of people like that," my mom says.

My eyes widen. "Really?" I ask and she nods. I didn't know wether to be happy or sad. Mia's basically my only friend and I can still talk to her after school anyways and Grayson and Ethan too.

I nod at my mom and go to my room. I wanted to call Grayson but I would feel annoying. He's probably busy right now.


I was sitting on the couch watching PLL until I got a message.

Ethan: I'm sorry Mia

It was Ethan. I haven't gotten over him. After all that fan girling, I would never get over him. I'm not in love with Ethan for his looks, I'm in love with him because of who he is and I hope he feels the same about me. I just didn't know if I wanted to be with him again right away. I feel like we just need some time apart.

Ethan, it was a stupid argument. You don't have to be sorry.

Ethan: Mia I still like you a lot. When I was leaving for LA Madison told me to try not to think of you and to just enjoy my time here but I honestly can't. I can't stop thinking of you.

I always think about you too Ethan. I still like you but I just think we need some time apart.

Ethan: Mia..

I'm sorry Ethan.

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