Chapter 43

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A Few Months Later

I was cramping really bad. It's been nine months and I know this baby will come out any time soon. My stomach was huge, I won't lie.

It felt pretty weird. I was nervous to go into labor but at the same time I just wanted it out of me already. Everyone helped me through it. I was glad I wasn't getting any hate on the internet. Grayson talked about how I was pregnant and we did a q and a on it. Everyone was pretty supportive.

I was sitting down on the couch but got up once I felt a wet sensation. I started breathing heavily.

"Grayson!" I yelled a little louder than I imagined. He raced downstairs and called everyone.

"You're okay," he says and helps me to the car. My stomach was hurting so bad. As everyone was getting in the car quickly, I saw Geo glare at me. What is he doing still stalking me?


We ran in the hospital and we caught everyone's attention from my heavy breathing. The doctors quickly got me to a room.

"Which ones the dad?" They asked.

"Uhh...he's not gonna be here but I'm her boyfriend," Grayson says.

"Alright. You come with us," they say. Mia, Cameron and Ethan stay in the waiting room.

They took me to a room and put me in a gown. I yelled in pain. This baby is coming out now.

They told me to push and I did. I squeezed Grayson's hand as hard as I could. It helped me a little.

Twenty minutes was out. They let me hold it and I looked at it with pure joy. She was beautiful. I don't care at this point if it's Geo's.

I put my head on it gently and sang to her. For a baby that was just born, she was very calm.

After I held her, Grayson wanted to hold her. He held her carefully and talked to her smiling widely.

After everything was taken care of at the hospital. We wrapped her in a blanket and went home.


"Holy shit that was crazy," I say and sigh in relief. "You're finally out of me!" I say playfully and tickle her as Grayson is carrying her.

"What are we gonna name her?" I ask.

"I didn't even think of that!" Mia says.

"What about Kylie?" Ethan asks.

"Yeah! What do you think Grayson?" I ask him.

"Whatever you want babe," he says and kisses my forehead.

"Kylie it is," I say and smile.

"I'm an uncle," Cameron says smiling looking at Kylie. I smile.

"OH MY GOSH!" Ethan says. "IM AN UNCLE TOO!"

We laugh.

"I'm a...nothing," Mia says and cheers for herself.

"Aw Mia," I say and laugh. "You know what? You can be the godmother."

Her eyes widen. "Really?!" She asks excited. I look at Grayson and he nods. "Ahh!" She says and hugs me tightly. I laugh.

Just then, we hear a knock on the door. I had a bad feeling about who was outside. I open the door and I see Geo. That's what I thought.

His eyes were red. He was crying. "I want to see my baby," he says, his voice shaky.

I look at everyone not knowing what to do. Grayson grabs Kylie and passes her to Geo gently which surprised me.

Geo swayed her side to side carefully looking at her. He did that for a few minutes until he gave her back. "Uh. Thanks," he says and smiles weakly. I felt really bad but I didn't say anything. He walked away looking at Kylie one more time.

I closed the door.

"That was awkward," Mia says and we laugh.

Grayson and I went upstairs. Luckily, we bought a soft and comfortable crib and some clothes before we had her. We put her in soft clothes and we wrapped her up in a fuzzy blanket. I breastfed Kylie and she fell asleep. We put her in the crib after that.

So far, this isn't so bad. She's actually a very calm baby. She definitely looked like Geo when I looked at her. But it's alright. Grayson and I got in bed.

"Well, since we have a baby now, I think we need to get married," Grayson says and smirks at me.

"I think so," I say and kiss him. Suddenly, he pulls out a box and opens it. There was a ring.

"Will you marry me?"

"Wait, wait, wait. Seriously?!" I say. Grayson nods. I gasped and started to cry. "Yes Grayson!" I say and hug him tightly. He slides the ring on me and that's when I noticed everyone was in the room. We got up and hugged all of them.

Yes, we're sixteen and seventeen. Hell no I'm not getting married at sixteen. Grayson and I have decided to wait a couple of years and then get married. I knew this was going to be amazing though.

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