Chapter 36

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Grayson POV

After I went to go see my parents for about an hour. I went to see Madison again. I'm so glad I'm back but there's just one thing I haven't told her...and its something you can't just hide.

All four of us were together again. Ethan, Mia, Madison and I. We were hanging out in Madison's room.

I didn't want to ruin the fun we were having by telling them the news. Every now and then Ethan looked at me. He wanted me to say it already but I didn't want to. It would break everyone's heart. I sat in front of Madison and wrapped my arms around her. I never wanted to let her go.

Madison POV

We watched about three movies in a row and then we went bowling. My mom was letting me go out a lot more than usual which made me happy because I really wanted to spend lots of time with Grayson today.

When we made it to the bowling alley. I put on my shoes and Grayson helps me tie them. "I'm not a kid I don't need your help," I say and laugh.

"Well you were taking too long," he says laughing. Mia goes up first. She knocks down two pins.

"Woah! Woo! Go Mia damn!" I say and clap.

"Shut up," she says and I laugh. She goes again and knocks one down.

Ethan went and got a spare. Grayson went and knocked five pins and then two. It basically went like that for hours. We were having fun though.

Mia's House

Instead of going back to my house, we went to Mia's house because she had a pool. Mia and I put bathing suits on and got into the pool.

"Damn! Your pools cold," I say and shiver.

"You'll get used to it," she says. Ethan and Grayson jump in the pool and splash the water everywhere. I screamed when I felt the water.

Grayson came up to me laughing. "Jerk!" I say and playfully slap him. We get out of the pool and cannon ball at the same time.

A half hour later, we get out and I get into my towel. We sat outside.

"So, Ethan and I have been needing to tell you something," Grayson says.

"What is it?" I ask.

Grayson sighs. I squeeze his arm trying to comfort him. "We..need to move to LA," he says. My heart drops.

"What? Why?" Mia asks sadly.

"They say there's more "opportunities" there," Grayson says.

I just look down at my hands. Everyone was completely silent. All you could hear was Mia's sniffles. Ethan helps Mia up and they go inside the house. Grayson grabs my hand. I put my head onto his chest.

"You just got here," I say, my voice cracking.

"I know babe. I'm sorry," he says and kisses my forehead.

"When are you leaving?" I ask.

"In two days."

That made my heart drop even more. "But I have something else to tell you," he says. I look up at him. "I want you and Mia to move in with us."

"Grayson, I would if I could. I really would but I don't think my mom will let me. I mean, Cameron's seventeen and he can't even move out," I say.

"Just give it a shot. I'll ask her for you!" He says.

"It's okay Grayson. I'll ask her," I say and he nods. "Well, I'm gonna go home. I'll call you after I ask her okay?" I say.

"Okay," he says. I hug him.

He holds my hand walking me to the front door. I see Mia crying and Ethan trying to calm her down. There's nothing we can do though.

I walk out of the house and I smile weakly at Grayson as I walk home.

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