Chapter 39

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The plane landed. I was exhausted. I tried sleeping on the plane but there was a kid behind me kicking my chair every five seconds.

Grayson puts his arm around me once we're off the plane. "This place is going to be so pretty," I say. Grayson nods.

"Madison, I hate asking this again but I just don't even know anymore. What are we again?" He asks and laughs.

"We're boyfriend and girlfriend silly," I say and kiss him.

He pretends to wipe sweat off his forehead and I laugh.


We parked the car in the driveway. The house looked insane. It's no mansion but it certainly was big and beautiful.

When we entered the house I gasped. When we walked in, there was a big and nice kitchen to the left of us and when you walked forward there was a living room with a chimney and an L shaped white couch with some pillows. Behind that were some stairs.

We went up them and chose our rooms. Grayson and I shared a room and Ethan and Mia shared a room. The other room was a game room. It wasn't too big and not too small.

I can't believe I'm living in Los Angeles right now. Grayson and I went into our room and unpacked our stuff. In the closet, there were two sides to it. I picked the right side and Grayson picked the left side.

I hung all my shirts, jeans, dresses, shorts, etc. After we finished unpacking, we went to the grocery store to get some food since the fridge was empty.


After we got food, we returned home and put it in the fridge. "Wait, so did you guys furnish this place?" I ask Grayson and Ethan.

"Yup," they say. "Why? Did you think we couldn't decorate well?"

I laugh. "Yes actually," I say.

Some minutes passed by. I called my mom and my brother. They were both doing well. My mom told me that her boyfriend might move in with her. I was happy for her and I'm glad she's not alone.

"Do you guys wanna go walk around?" Grayson asks coming downstairs.

"Yeahhh," Mia and I say getting up from the couch. We all leave the house. We drove the car out of the neighborhood and parked it somewhere near the city.

Grayson held my hand as we walked around. We went into some stores and looked around. We took a silly picture of us with fake mustaches on. We were basically models in LA. We took tons of pictures. I sent some to my mom to assure her that I'm safe and sound and some to Cameron to make him jealous.

I hugged a palm tree and Mia took a picture. We laughed loudly. We're the weirdest people alive, I swear.


After that, we returned to the house. We saw a guy walking. He looked pretty familiar. When we parked the car, we all got out. The guy looked at us and we were shocked when we saw who it was.

Geo. "Oh, look who it is," I say crossing my arms. He comes up to me.

"I want to be here for my baby," he says softly and puts his hands on my shoulders.

I didn't say anything. Not because I didn't care, but just because I didn't know what to say.

"Hey, don't touch her," Grayson says pulling him off.

"Look man, okay whatever, I used her but that doesn't mean that I won't care for a baby that I made," he says to Grayson. "You can have her, in not trying to get in between you guys."

"Okay, then don't touch her and act like you are," he says.

"Let's just go," I say pushing Grayson's chest back. We go inside and go upstairs. It was getting pretty dark outside. I got into some sweats and a crop top and put my hair in a messy bun.

I went back downstairs and sat on the couch with everyone. Grayson puts his arm around me and I cuddled into his chest. We watched Netflix until we all fell asleep.

Next Day

We woke up, still on the couch. Wow, first day here we slept on the couch.

I look over and see everyone in the kitchen. I go and sit down on the stool at the island.

Grayson and Ethan were making eggs. Well, trying to make eggs. I laugh as they mess up.

Grayson got some shell in it, Ethan just completely messed up dropping the egg in the pan. "You'll get it someday," I say and pat their backs. They laugh.

After we ate, we all went to our rooms. It was a chill day, nothing really going on.

"Babe, can you tweet that all four of us are doing a Q & A and to ask some questions," Grayson says.

"What? Why me? I'm not the famous one," I say and laugh.

"Were all tweeting it dummy," he says and laughs.

I take a selfie in front of a huge window and caption it, 'Doing a Q & A with @graysondolan, @ethandolan, & @mamamia! Tweet us some Q's!'

"I never even knew we were doing a video together," I say and laugh.

"Yeeeah. We're gonna do an announcement that we moved to LA," he says.

"Oh nice," I say. I look in the drawers of our rooms and cleaned them up a bit and organized it. I look at the pictures Grayson put up. There were some of me and him and some of his own family. I didn't have any pictures with my family. They aren't really photogenic.

As I was looking at the pictures Grayson comes up behind me and starts kissing my neck.

I giggle as he collapses on the bed bringing me with him. "Finally, I can spend some time with you all day," he says. I smile at him.

He starts kissing me and it starts getting little too heated. He puts his hand up my back under my shirt. Suddenly, something falls. We stop and I look at the ground. There was a black camera and a sweater that was on the dresser.

I look at Grayson oddly.

"What the fuck..."

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