Chapter 9

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6:00 AM

My phone alarm goes off and I know it's time for school. Honestly, I was kind of excited because Grayson and Ethan were going to be there. I used to just walk by them and not say anything but now I made more friends. See? Going out a bit can get you some friends. And of course I was excited to see Geo. To just take a look at his face for a second. Yeah I'm obsessed.

I get up and take a shower and put on an outfit. *Picture Above*

I know it's winter and all and I'm wearing a skirt but we don't ever go outside at my school when it's winter, so we'll be cozy and warm inside the school.

"Cameron are you ready?" I ask as I walk down the stairs.

"I've been ready."


I park the car and Cameron and I head outside. Everyone always hangs around in front of the school in the morning until the bell rings. I see Mia, Ethan, and Grayson standing there but I run inside and I could see them laughing at me.

Okay maybe I shouldn't have worn a skirt. They came inside as well.

"Why the hell would you wear a skirt?!" Mia exclaimed and they all laughed.

"Because it was a cute outfit okay?" I say. Just then Geo passes by the group and I could smell his cologne. Mia smirks at me and I roll my eyes and laugh.

"Hey gu-"

"Oh shit!" I say because the guy touched my shoulder. It was Geo. "S-sorry."

"It's cool," he says and laughs. "Aye, you guys wanna go to the gym? They let us hang out in there until the bell rings," he says to the twins.

"Sure bro. See you guys later okay?" The twins say and we nod. We look at them head to the gym.

"Wow Maddie," Mia says bursting into laughter. "You're worse than me!"

"Hell nah! You're way worse Mia," I say. "At least I didn't almost faint and what the hell? Their friends with Geo?"

"I guess," she says and laughs. "Did you hear the rumor going around?" She asks.

"We just got back to school, there's already a rumor?" I say. She nods. "What is it?"

"Grayson likes you," she says.

"You're funny," I say.

"No Maddie! I'm not lying! You can ask anyone! That's the rumor, everybody knows. The only people who haven't heard the rumor is you and Grayson."

"That's a stupid rumor. They don't know shit," I say.


Well since the bell rang I might as well tell you my schedule.

Algebra                                 Room 107                [with mia]
English/Breakfast             Room 209                [myself]
Geography                          Room 205                [myself]
Science                                 Room 201                [with Grayson & Ethan & Mia]
Computer Lab                   Room 108                [with Ethan]
Art                                        Room 103                [with Mia]
Gym                                     Gym                         [with Grayson & Ethan & Mia]

So that's my schedule and my first class is algebra. I hate how algebra is in the morning because in the morning my brain can not function very well so that sucks.

Mia and I walk to our first class.

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