Part 1

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Arshi Drabble: Fragile Hearts
By Arshi Sobti

Arnav looked at the ring in his hand, "His Mother's ring". Today after Anjali's accident and hearing her words, he don't want to wait anymore. He have got enough time to understand that whatever it is between him and Khushi is not just a mere attraction, he's ready to take this chance and give in to his feelings. He's ready to give a name to this feeling but before anything,  he needs to know what Khushi wants.

Though he can see from her every gesture that,  that tiny girl is very much smitten by him. Her eyes are so lively to hide her emotions and her little gestures from last few days is enough to let him know that feelings are mutual but he can't wait to hear it from her own mouth and tell her his own.

So closing the box of his Mother's precious ring, he pocketed it and started looking for Khushi. He can't wait to tell her that his "Fragile heart" which was trying to save behind the mask of hate and anger has fallen for her.


On the other side

Expecting to meet Arnav when she reached on terrace,  not in her wildest dreams had she thought waiting for her here is Shyam with his creepy thoughts. And now after hearing him she left stunned.

Khushi: You're ready to leave Anjali ji for me? She asked again unable to believe this man can stoop so low.

Shyam: Yes Khushi ji! I'll divorce her. Then you'll marry me and we'll go away from here.

Sound of slap echoed as she herself don't know when her hand raised meeting his cheek. She was shuddering with the intensity of anger,  which she herself didn't know exist within her.

Khushi: I have never seen a more vile men then you. How could you ever think I'll come to you. You disgust me!

Shyam: Khushi ji don't say that. I know you're angry but....

Khushi (laughing): Angry?  You couldn't even guess how much hatred has increased for you in my heart.

Khushi: You can go to hell as if I care! In fact I'll be really happy if you divorce her, you don't deserve a women like her, nor she deserves a poisonous person like you in her life.

Today you have crossed all your limits Shyam Manohar Jha. Don't push me to tell everything about you to Arnav ji, never try to come near me again. I've tolerated enough for the happiness of these two families,  but if you still didn't stop, I wouldn't mind seeing you behind the bars.

Shyam: Waah Khushi ji Waah!  You know therefore I Love you! Your this behaviour,  this zeal makes me fall for you even more. But you didn't do it right by challenging me.

Tonight,  your dear Payal jiji is getting married to my saale sahab. From tomorrow she'll live under the same roof as me, you know though I don't want to hurt my dear once going to be my Saali Sahiba but if her sister doesn't care about her, what can I do? He said with fake sadness.

Khushi: What do you mean?

Shyam: By hook or crook I'll get you Khushi ji! Now it's upto you,  I'll give you time till tomorrow,  I wouldn't even divorce Anjali now, after all she is my ATM. But now you'll also come to me yourself if you love your sister, you don't have to go anywhere. We wouldn't tell anything to anyone, everything will go just like it is but the difference will be with Anjali,  now I'll have you with me also.

Khushi: Never!  You want me to have illicit relationship with you?

Shyam: You invited it for yourself. I was ready to leave Anjali and marry you but you didn't listen. Now you'll have to do what I am saying,  you have time till tomorrow Khushi ji. He tried to hold her but she backed off, laughing a mocking laugh at her, he left from there.

Khushi fell on her knees crying on her fate. How much happy she was,  that may be finally she is going to get her happiness. May be Arnav ji wants to tell her what she was yearning to hear, may be Arnav ji feels same "dhak dhak" as her.

Why her? Why always her? Don't her "Fragile heart" deserves a chance of happiness,  of Love.

Two Fragile hearts beats as one, unknown to cruelty of fate, grew admist the hatred, held together by one thread called "Love".

Will these Fragile Hearts ever be able to get what they wants? Or they'll be again tested in the hands of destiny?

To be continued.....

This drabble is based on show and on the most popular terrace scene. This thought is nagging me from many days, hope you'll like it.


Drabble: Fragile Hearts ||COMPLETED|| #IAAWhere stories live. Discover now