Part 15

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Next Day

Arnav looked at Khushi who was sleeping peacefully, he is awake from a long time being a early riser he is but today instead of going to jogging he felt more relax and at peace with her sleeping in his arms. He chuckled looking at how she is sleeping almost upon him due to her weird ways of sleeping, he was caressing her cheeks when his thumb stopped on her lips as smile appeared on his face thinking about their kiss last night.

She don’t know how much desires that single kiss had awoken in him when she was moaning and how he controlled himself to not lose control. Though he have been trying to not do something which will make her uncomfortable but kiss, damn he have wanted to do that from the time she fell in his arms and his eyes laid on his trembling lips but this urge to kiss her senseless got more firm from the night of Diwali and last night he didn’t wanted to hide and when he have already bared his heart in front of her unlike the night of Diwali.

Feeling ticklish, Khushi yawned and opened her eyes, to Arnav she looked like cute kitten feeling lazy to get up . She again closed her eyes snuggling close to him like she have been doing all night pushing him almost at the edge of the bed before she opened them and looked at him in shock who in turn just smirked at her.

Soon realization dawned upon her and she looked around, last night she got married, to Arnav ji. She is no more at her home, sleeping snuggling close to her Payal jiji in her cozy bed but instead she is now here, married, sleeping with Arnav ji who is now her husband and on his king sized bed.

Arnav: Good Morning!

His voice broke the line of her thoughts and she again looked at him with her innocent eyes making him fall in love with her more, she looked like some innocent baby. Tucking her strands away from her face he wished her again and this time kissing her on forehead “Good Morning”.

Khushi: Good Morning!

But before they can talk more they heard the voice of knocking making them both startled and look at door.

Arnav: Relax! Let me check.

Arnav got down from the bed  and Khushi also, but before going to open the door Arnav turned back and came back to Khushi, who looked at him in confusion but before she could ask anything, he pulled up the kurta from shoulders as it was slipped in sleep and now bare. Khushi blushed and turned her back to compose herself.  Arnav opened the door to see Anjali standing there with her cheerful smile along with Shyam.

Anjali: Good Morning Chotte!

Arnav: Morning Di! Morning Jija ji!

Anjali: Sorry to disturb your good morning Chotte, but you see your wife has some rituals to perform. So now please spare her for us, she have to do pooja. She spoke teasingly making Arnav to look at other way awkwardly, both failed too see the fuming expressions of third person standing beside them.

Arnav: umm it’s nothing like that Di. Sure you can take her, let me call her.

Anjali: yea I can see that!

She said signing towards him as she giggled teasingly making Arnav to look at himself confusingly. His eyes widened looking at his bare chest also with few lipstick marks along with nail marks, must be came when they kissed and after Khushi slept snuggling into his chest all night. He cursed himself for his carelessness and making a fool himself in front of his sister and brother-in-law knowing well what they must be thinking.

“Arnav ji”

Three heads turned in the direction of voice to see a fidgeting Khushi standing there looking at them embarrassed as she tried to manage his kurta more appropriately.

Anjali: Good Morning Khushi ji! She wished with him with her usual teasing giggles making her turn red but she almost hide behind Arnav as she saw Shyam also standing there.

Anjali: Are what happened? Do I look so scary that you have to hide behind your pati dev?

Khushi: No no.. Di.. wo ..

Arnav(softly): What happened?

Khushi: jija ji…. She whispered for only Arnav to hear and he got it and cursed himself some more.

Arnav: Di! I know you look little scary with make up but know almost all women do, so she’s not scared of you. He said making Anjali to open her mouth widely at his teasing but he continued. She is just embarrassed to find Jija ji here.

Anjali: oops stupid me! Let’s go Shyam ji, they’ll come. She said to a already fuming Shyam.

Khushi: Please stop Di, I need clothes to wear. She again whispered to Arnav who shakes his head before he stopped Anjali.

Arnav: Di! A parcel of mine is going to be delivered anytime, tell HP to give me as soon as it comes.

Anjali: Ok chotte! But come soon, Arnav nodded and Anjali left.

Arnav turned back to see Khushi looking at him with open mouth.

Arnav: What?

Khushi: you have to ask Di for some clothes for me but what you did? “send me my parcel as soon as it delivers”. She hmped annoyingly and to him she looked so cute when she pouted, first her little messy look after waking up from the sleep and than to see her ranting like this in his room, in his Kurta is giving him a happy and contended feeling like this was all what was missing in his life and now he got it.

Arnav: shhh go and get done with your shower. Wear that robe you wore in night, you’ll get your clothes once you come out.

Khushi: but…

Arnav: No buts or etc.  Just go if you don’t want to get late, otherwise I am going first.

Khushi: No! I am going and she almost ran inside the wash room making him laugh at her antics.

To be continued………..

Drabble: Fragile Hearts ||COMPLETED|| #IAAWhere stories live. Discover now