Part 9

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Anjali: But chotte now?

Nani: How’ll everything arranged? Garima and Bua ji also agreed.

Arnav:  Nani! When I asked you to talk with Garima aunty and Buaji . I had already prepared what is needed. Mandap is already set, but there will be two marriages instead of one.

Anjali: But chotte….
Arnav: Di Relax! I have arranged everything, Aman will be here anytime with Khushi’s Lehanga and Jewelleries. Anjali pouted but pinched his cheeks in happiness teasing him for his eagerness.

All started preparing for the weddings, Anjali and Garima took Khushi with them to get her ready as soon as Aman brought the Lehanga and jewelleries. While going with Khushi, Anjali looked around for Shyam but he was nowhere to be seen as he fled away as soon as he saw Khushi saving her.

Garima and Buaji looked at her with misted eyes, they were preparing themselves to bid bye to their one daughter but now suddenly they have to bid adieu to both their daughter at same time.

Garima: Look jiji how beautiful she is looking.
Bua ji: Yes Garima! Our Sankadevi is looking like she have grown suddenly but Garima, do you think Arnav babua has lost his mind? Khushi and Garima looked at her confused.

Bua ji: I mean he have decided to marry this Sankadevi, so surely he have lost his mind na, she laughed at the end as other joined her.

Bua ji: Jokes apart but Sankadevi now you should start acting mature, you’ll be elder daughter-in-law of this family. Take care of your new family and Arnav bitwa.

Khushi nodded as trio hugged each other in happiness and sadness to go away from each other.

Anjali entered inside the room and they wiped their tears looking at her with a smile.

Khushi: What happened di?
Anjali: Khushi ji dekhiye na, Don’t know where Shyam ji suddenly left and now not even receiving the call. He’ll miss the marriages, she said frustrated dialing his number once again.

Khushi looked at her startled before she stopped her from calling Shyam.

Khushi: Di! He must be here only, may be busy with guests and with so much crowd and noise it’s difficult to hear phone’s voice.

Anjali: may be you’re right.
Anjali: You’re looking so beautiful, poor Chotte is going to have a hard time. Khushi blushed looking down as Anjali asked them to come down.

Anjali: Let’s go Khushi ji, Chotte is already waiting for you in mandap, impatiently.

To be continued………………..

Drabble: Fragile Hearts ||COMPLETED|| #IAAWhere stories live. Discover now