Part 32 (B)

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After that no one said anything and completing their breakfast Arnav took Nani ji to her room and asked Khushi to wait in the car. Payal also looked at Akash who have just like his brother have shown his disappointment in her last night and talking with her only when necessary and her Mother-in-law have just got an another excuse to taunt her, ignore her but she’ll try her best. Her intensions weren’t wrong but still she didn’t do right either by hiding this truth, so with a smile she’ll earn back forgiveness from her husband and family. May be not as strong as Khushi but she is also her sister, and she’ll not accept defeat so easily neither she’ll let anyone crush their self respect.

Arnav was sitting in his cabin, though in front of him laptop was open with lots of files around but he was lost. His mind was lost in thinking about the sudden changes in their life, just few days ago he was feeling a luckiest man. He had everything but after Khushi came in his life she filled the emptiness of his heart also and then Di was also pregnant, just when he thought everything is going perfect in their life, this storm hit them hard.

He looked at Akash who entered inside after knocking the door and they started discussing about some deal. After that there was silence as both brothers were feeling it difficult to talk their heart out but still wanted to talk.

Akash (clearing his throat): How are you feeling Bhai (Brother)?
Arnav: “Fine! Why do you ask?” he asked confused.
Akash: Because I know how whatever happened yesterday must have hurt you.

Arnav nodded before silence prevailed again and this time Arnav started “Do you.. Do you have any idea about any of this before?”

Akash “I wish I had.”
Arnav: Ohhh

Arnav: I am glad you supported Payal and Khushi.
Akash: I had to! From what I know them they are kind souls and can never think something so cheap they were excused off.

Arnav: So you’re not angry with Payal?
Akash (sighs): I am! But I guess more then angry I am just simply disappointed that she choose to hide this truth from me instead of confiding in me.

Arnav(lost in his thoughts): “This is where I am stuck! Why? Why she stayed quiet all along instead of letting me know?” he spoke asking questions from himself rather then Akash.

Akash: “ know it’s disappointing bhai (bro) but now if I think from their POV, I think they were not wrong either. Though we have been married but from how long we guys know each other? How much we know about each other’s life or past. We all have our share of fears and insecurities and I guess they also choose to hide it for their fears otherwise we both know how innocent and selfless both sisters are. They stayed quiet even after that  bastard was trying to get his dirty hands on Khushi ji is enough proof of how much they cared for Di and family then themselves.”

“That bastard was trying to get his dirty hands on Khushi ji” though Arnav was hearing everything but this one line shook him more then anything else. His face turned red with anger as just the thught how it was happening under his nose made him mad.

Arnav started speaking again trying hard to control his anger “You’re right Akash! They are innocent and had their own insecurities  of being judged wrongly in their new family. Payal was trying to handle everything along with safeguarding her sister.”  After a pause “Excuse me Akash I need to go somewhere, see you later.” With that he stormed outside leaving Akash alone to think what he should do and himself giving instructions on phone to someone.

In a secluded area Arnav was leaning on his car when his gaze turned towards the car which stopped just beside him. He looked sharply as two men pulled a shocked Shaym Manohar Jha from inside and pushed him towards him.

Shaym: Saale-e-Sahab (Brother-in-law)! What are you doing here? And these men? Have they brought me here…… Arnav cuts him off.

Arnav: On my instructions!
Shyam: But why?
Arnav: To complete which I left in between because of my sister whom you are using amazingly.
Shyam: What are you….. again Arnav interrupts him in between.
Arnav: Can we just cut this crap? You and I, both are aware of your real face, so now stop pretending. Right now even Di is not here to watch your drama and fall into your traps.

Shyam suddenly smirked evilly and looked  at him with smile “That’s great! Saves me from another round of drama. So tell me why you brought me here? What do you want?”

Arnav: What do I want? All I want is to kill you right here, right now for even eyeing my wife.
Shyam: “You can’t blame me here after all she is so adorable and sexy unknown to even herself. There is something in her that pulls me to her and make her min…. “ his words left hanging as a punch landed on his face.

Arnav: “How dare you? how dare you talk about my wife in this way? Yesterday Di saved you but today I’ll kill you.” he spoke all the while thrashing him. He would have actually killed him if that bast**d haven’t opened his mouth.

Shyam: “Kill me if you want but think about your dear sister. She’s pregnant! Do you think she’ll be able to take this? You have yourself seen how she reacted yesterday, she even left you for me.”

His words hurt him badly but he knew he is speaking truth, so he left her with a jerk and Shyam wiped blood from his face. Shyam somehow managed to stand on his feet and looked at Arnav with mocking smile “I pity you Saale Sahaab. I really do! Both the women in your life don’t trust you but me. Both finds solace ‘In my arms’.” He almost whispered those words coming close to him.

Arnav glared at  him and he smirked in return before continuing “Don’t tell me that you believe that nothing happened between Khushi ji and me. You know Khushi ji is so sweet, she can do anything for her family and their happiness even if she have to sacrifice herself in return. So it was not really difficult for me to get what I want but now when truth is out I really felt bad for you.”

Arnav looked at him in shock, his words playing with the remaining piece of his mind and before he knew he smacked him so hard this time that Shyam lost his conscious. He tried to control his irregular breaths as the same men who brought Shyam dragged him back inside the car and left on Arnav’s order.

Arnav felt like vomiting even with the thought of Shyam’s words turning true, he keeps his one palm in his mouth to stop himself from crying out loud but failed miserably. All he can hear is Shyam’s words floating in air around him, slamming his both hands on  his ears to stop the voices he screamed loudly before falling on his knees.

Khushi keeps looking at the dark sky, sitting on poolside. Her heart is twisting in pain, indicating that the other half of it is in pain. She looked towards the door again in hope that Arnav will walk inside any moment but he didn’t. She again tried to call him but same response, he is not answering. Dejected she started walking downstairs thinking to wait for him in living room as everyone is already retired to their rooms.

She was just on the stairs when the main door opened and he walked inside, their eyes met and she almost fell looking into his bloodshot eyes. She clutched the railings for support looking into his eyes which were screaming of the pain, dejection and helplessness. She wanted to run into his arms and console her but somewhere she her ability to speak and move leaving her and before she can even compose herself to face him he was already walking pass by her side.

To be continued…………

Precap: Any guesses???

Drabble: Fragile Hearts ||COMPLETED|| #IAAWhere stories live. Discover now