Part 25 (B)

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Payal: Khushi! I don’t know why but I don’t think this sudden change in Di’s behavior is because of her mood swings.

Payal and Khushi is now in Gupta house after their individual classes to spend sometime with their family and see the progress in Babu ji’s treatment. Both sisters were now sitting in backyard of the house enjoying their tea when suddenly Payal voiced out her thoughts.

Khushi (sighed): Do you think I haven’t noticed it? Her behavior with others is almost usual but me! This is not just pregnancy hormones and I can feel it.

Payal: Do you also think….. ? she left her question in middle.

Khushi (nodding): I don’t think. I am sure it’s  Shyam behind all this, don’t know what he is feeding her.

Payal: We shouldn’t sit quiet Khushi, we know how dangerous he is.

Khushi: I know jiji but we have avoided him till now so we should do for some more time. Once Di delivers her child safely, we will disclose everything.

Payal: I understand Khushi but I fear what if they don’t believe us?

Khushi: I fear for the same jiji and I have planned for that also now.

Payal: What do you mean?

Khushi: Jiji there’s a girl in my class whose father is an private detective, though I was thinking about this from sometime but I wasn’t sure to take this step. But last week on her birthday party I met her father and he seemed like very genuine and understanding person.

So two days ago I met him in his home only as I didn’t want to take the risk of seeing me in his office. I requested him to not let anyone know about our meet and asked him to find every detail of Shyam Manohar Jha.

Payal: What? But didn’t he ask why do you want it? As Shyam Manohar jha is family after all.

Khushi: He did! And I told him everything. He have promised to do everything he can to help us and not let this matter go out. But now I have told you also, so we are three who know about this.

Payal: khushi I don’t want to discourage you but are you sure about this decision.

Khushi: I know jiji, it is going to be difficult but we have take some step. If not today then tomorrow this truth will come out and I want us to be prepared to face this and fight.

Payal agreed with her and both discussed for some more time before they started back for Raizada Mansion after spending some quality time with their family.


Arnav: Di!

Arnav knocked the door looking at Anjali who was reading some magazine. Anjali looked at him and asked him to come in keeping her magazine aside.

Anjali: Aao na chotte. Baitho! (Come chotte. Sit!)

Arnav: How are you feeling Di?

Anjali: I am fine chotte! You tell how you got time for me today?

Arnav: Di! You started again?

Anjali: ok I wouldn’t!

Arnav: Good! Di I have talked with your doctor, she told me everything is alright with your pregnancy and baby is also fine but you’re taking stress which isn’t good. He paused as he saw Anjali looking somewhere else and sighed before he cupped her cheek and made her turn towards him.

Arnav: Di! If there is some problem you can tell me, you know right? Anjali nodded.

Arnav: Than tell me what’s the issue Di? Why have you suddenly turned so cranky? I know it’s not just pregnancy hormones. Please Di! You know how much I love you, I just want to see you happy than what’s the problem? You should be happy and enjoying these phase of your life. If there is any problem tell me, I am here to take care of it.

Anjali: I am fine chotte! Don’t think too much.

Arnav: Really? Don’t lie to me.

Anjali: I am not lying.

Arnav: Ok you don’t have any problem. Good! But then answer my one question “Why your behavior has suddenly changed towards Khushi Di?”

Anjali (looking at other side): Ohh so you’re not here for me but your wife!

Arnav (sighing irritably): See you started again! Why don’t you understand it’s not about you or Khushi? You both are integral part of me and I can’t bear to see anyone of you hurt. Your this sudden behavior is not only causing hurt to Khushi but me also and I know inwardly you also. So just tell what is the problem so we can sort this out.

Anjali: There is no problem chotte! This change is because I have realized that I was wrong Khushi wasn’t the right choice for you, for our family.

Arnav (looking at her in disbelief): uh… umm… come again?

Anjali: Yes I was wrong to think she will be perfect for you but in last few days I have realized I was wrong.

Arnav: and what makes you think this?

Anjali: I can’t explain it to you right now but Khushi is not a good girl, I have seen her true face now.

Arnav: Really? And may I know what is it? Because I can’t find anything of that sort. She is good wife, daughter-in-law, sister, and daughter to her family. She is the traditional type of girl you and Nani always wanted. She is the person who brought Arnav in me out who was lost years ago, she is the girl who made me smile again and she is doing everything to keep all of us happy.

Anjali: Facade! Everything is façade. “she almost screamed angrily”

Arnav: No Di! Your insecurity is speaking all this. But you need to understand Khushi is not taking me away from you but she is my wife and she also have every right on me. If I failed or forgot to complete any of my responsibility towards you, blame me not her!

Anjali: You are not getting it Chotte. I wish I could tell you everything!
Arnav: Then tell me!

Anjali: I can’t! I have promised Shyam ji.

Arnav: Jija ji? Now what he has to do with all this?

Anjali: Everything! But I can’t tell you anything right now.

Arnav: Great! Then till then don’t blame Khushi for anything and neither would I hear. I am leaving you should rest now! And he left without waiting for a second angrily.

To be continued…………

Drabble: Fragile Hearts ||COMPLETED|| #IAAWhere stories live. Discover now