Part 41

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This update is dedicated to #SaniaRameez who always messages me for updates 😘😘


"That day when that lady informed me about his plans,  I planned to meet him and see if I can do anything to stop him from taking any drastic steps for sometime because not everytime someone will be there to inform what is he planning."

"When I met Shyam I realized he wants me to doubt about our baby's father,  he wants to do it so he can take you away by separating us.  At that time my mind clicked with a idea by which I thought I can keep you and baby safe for sometime.  I acted like I believe his words, like I already doubt that the baby isn't mine therefore I wanted to meet him."

"I talked taking him in confident that now if you are pregnant with his baby than I couldn't keep her away from him. I talked with him in this way that if you're pregnant I'll let him take you willingly but if he don't want that child than I can start afresh with you. So now Shyam thinks till baby is safe he can take you with him and I'll let him therefore he dropped all the plans of harming our baby for sometime."

"I many times thought to tell you everything but you were already tense and in this condition it wasn't good for you take so much pressure therefore I decided to sort it all silently myself and to let you know when everything is solved but today your words and pain pushed me to tell you everything and I was going to tell you when my eyes fell on her and I had to change my words."

Khushi looked at him confused "Her?" Arnav nodded as he continued after a dejected sigh "Khushi someone from Raizada Mansion is helping Shyam.  Telling him about all the happenings here, especially related to you and me." Khushi gasped in shock, tonight seems to be full of shocks with so many revelations.

"Who?" she asked completely shocked to hear this "And why?" Arnav looked at her and holding her chin makes her look at him "Don't think too much Khushi and the person helping her had no wrong intentions." He was interrupted by Khushi "Who is it?" Arnav sighs looking away "Manorma Mami."

Khushi looks down and smiles painfully "She hates me so much, isn't she?" Arnav instantly looks at her and shakes his head in no, pulling her in his arms again "No Khushi,  she don't hate you but she loves Di too much.  Having no daughter of herself, she is very attached to Di and have always loved her like her own daughter."

"She thinks by helping Shyam, she is helping her Anjali bitiya.  She also thinks Shyam is innocent as she have known him from years and her Damad ji is too good to do things you and Payal accused him for.  Shyam is just using her love for Di against us and she unknowingly helping that snake. She doesn't hates you, the day she will realize the truth I can promise you she'll love you no less than a daughter."

Khushi whimpers taking all these revelations at once is really getting difficult but she needs to know everything. Arnav looks at her and continued again "Therefore I had to speak those words Khushi. She was hearing everything and I knew if I speaks truth my all planning will be failed and Shyam will get to know that everything was a play and I was lying."

"Only I know how I was controlling myself from pulling you into my arms and scream that everything was a lie but I couldn't risk yours and baby's safety. After checking that everyone has been retired to their room only than I entered back in our room but...." he takes deep shaky breaths "I knew you'll be hurt but I didn't expected you to find in the condition I did under that cold shower."

"I am sorry Khushi, I really do. Please understand that whatever I said earlier not a word meant anything. I love you and our child more than anything and whatever I am doing is for us."

Khushi don't speaks anything and just snuggle into his chest more and Arnav kept caressing her back waiting for her to speak anything but it never came instead he soon realized that she have fallen asleep. With a sigh he pulled her more closer and kissed on her head himself falling into restless sleep.

Next day when he instantly gets up feeling movements beside him to see Khushi getting up from the bed "Khushi" he calls her and she just looks at sideways but don't turn back to look at him completely. "Tum thik Ho?(Are you fine?)" Khushi nodded without a word.

Arnav comes in front of her when she was going inside bathroom "Khushi I know you are angry with me but please try to understand I had to do it. I know you wouldn't like it but can you please help me in this act now when you know everything?"

Khushi still doesn't look at him but after few moments whispered "OK!" Arnav cups her cheeks "Khushi you have done so much for others, always thought about others before your self without expecting anything in return. I know you are very selfless and get emotional really fast but this time I want you to stay strong,  ignore everything and just think about your self and baby. Please don't think about taking any step without consulting with me and no I am not caging you but for sometime we have to stay alert."

"You always think about other's happiness and safety, even after what Di did with you, you went behind her, you were more scared for her and her unborn. So this time also please just do that but don't think about Di,  don't think about family or anyone else even me but only about the new life growing inside you. This time selfless or be little selfish I don't care but first think about our baby and yourself. Will you do that?"

Khushi nodded with few tears flowing down from her eyes which Arnav wiped away pulling her into his arms.  Khushi stayed in his arms but doesn't speak anything and from that day she hardly speaks anything. She hears whatever he says, helps him in every step but hardly exchange few words with him and he knew though it was an act but his words have really hurt her.

Flashback ends

"I know you told me everything and therefore I am still here otherwise I would have left long ago." Khushi whispered after a while with eyes still closed and felt Arnav's hold tightened around her "I promise I won't let anyone hurt you again including myself. Tonight his true face will come in front of everyone and he'll be gone from our life." Arnav whispers back and kissed on her head again.

Khushi nods coming out of his hold and looks at him unsure before finally speaking what her heart want "Will you answer me something and please I want honest answer?"

Arnav holds her hand and nodded "As Shyam told you that we had...." She paused and gulped the lump in her throat "Due to fear I had illegal relationship with him under this roof only. There are chances that the baby actually belongs to him than how are you so sure that baby is yours? And what will you do if we finds out that this baby is not yours but his?" Arnav looks at her stunned as his hands fell back on his sides and Khushi waited for his answer.

To be continued.......

P. S.  And the credit for the beautiful edit above goes to ArshiholicPrincess who gave me this surprise gift.

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