Part 12

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Arnav entered inside the room only to stand still looking at the sight in front of him. There she is sitting like a decorative piece on his bed looking purely aesthetic, he forgot to blink as his eyes to refused to move away from her. Her moment of rubbing her peeping feet from her lehenga broke his reverie and blinked his and looked down gulping his suddenly parched throat.  Looking at Khushi his feet started moving as he sat beside her on bed.

Arnav: Khushi!
His voice was too hoarse that it sent shivers down her spine, she tries to gulp her nervousness and smile at him but as soon as their eyes met she felt lost. She shivered as his palm touched above hers resting on her knees. Khushi looked at their hands with wide eyes and then at him. Arnav smiled as he shifted closer and cupped her cheek.

Arnav: “You look magnificent Khushi”. He spoke huskily and Khushi closed her eyes in pleasure of his warm touch but her eyes opened wide as his lips touched her cheek.

Pushing away her body, she almost ran towards the sliding doors leaving a flabbergasted Arnav, her palm resting on her heart to control her heartbeat.

Arnav looked at her confused himself standing up from the bed, thinking what just happened. Just now she was close to him and then she sprinted away. He looked at her as she stood their with her palm resting on her heart before a smirk appeared on his face.


Khushi looked startled as strong arms encircled her waist, she looked at side to see Arnav’s face on her shoulder looking at her smilingly.

Arnav: So Khushi Kumari Gupta ko darr bhi lagta hai? (So KKG feels scared also?) oops my mistake, Now “Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada”.

Khushi feels like jelly in his arms, she would have fallen down if it was not his arms holding her on place.

Khushi: N..No I am not scared. Why should I feel scared. She stammered making Arnav chuckle who made her turn that now she is looking at him.

Arnav: Exactly! You shouldn’t be.  Then why are you scared?

Khushi: No I am not scared.

Arnav : Then why you ran away like that?

Khushi: Wo Wo I thought that . I mean I think you should get fresh Arnav ji. You must be feeling scared.

Arnav: shhhhh , keeping his finger on her lips he stopped her blabbering.

Arnav: You are scared, I know but I need you to know that you don’t need to feel scared Khushi.

Arnav: I can’t believe the girl who was screaming at me few hours ago to marry her right away now standing in front of me feeling scared.

Arnav: I asked you to give us sometime before taking this step of marriage but you wanted us to get married right away. I wouldn’t say I am regretting or something because the moment I saw you walking towards me in this bridal attire, I felt that everything is right, you’ll be mine from tonight and I wouldn’t need to answer for my any step to anyone. You will belong to me and would be known as my wife in world’s eye, no other fiancé will come to snatch you from me.

Khushi looked at him as a tear rolled down from her eyes which was wiped away by Arnav.

Arnav:  However much I want to claim you now Khushi, I wouldn’t go forward till you are not comfortable. Now you are mine and we have whole life together to spend. Well wait for the time when you are comfortable enough to take this step with me. I know it was all so sudden and you’re not prepared for it. So relax and stop shivering, you don’t have to be nervous, you just have to told me instead of feeling scared that you’re not prepared.  Ok? Khushi nodded and hugged him.

Khushi: You’re really not angry with me?

Arnav: No!

Khushi: Thank you Arnav ji!

To be continued……………………

Drabble: Fragile Hearts ||COMPLETED|| #IAAWhere stories live. Discover now