Part 40

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This part is dedicated to Kiddo_Star 😘
Finally here we are kiddo 😁😁


Arnav looked at him in disgust and took steps towards him but before he can actually punch hin, he stopped in time and closing his eyes tried to control his anger “Ok I’ll do that, the day Di delivers you’ll leave then and I’ll handover the papers to you.” Shyam smiled standing up “Ok then by tomorrow Anjali will herself call you and tell you that she is coming back.” He turned to leave but stopped hearing Arnav’s voice “I am accepting your condition but if I even found a single mark on my sister I will kill you, don’t you think I missed the marks of fingers on her face today.” Shyam’s eyes widened in fear and nodding slowly he hurriedly left from there.

Flashback ends


Arnav looked at everyone as they happily prepared for Anjali’s and her daughter’s welcome. Yes! Few days ago Anjali called him and told him that she and Shyam are ready to come back and when he told that to family though they were confused with his sudden decision but at the same time happy that now Anjali will be back. When next day they were waiting for them  a phone call shook them all, while walking Anjali slipped on floor and was now on the way to hospital.

They reached hospital and after long tension filled hours doctor came out and gave the news of Anjali’s early delivery and the safety of both mother and daughter. Now after a week of her delivery they are coming back to home so Nani have kept pooja for them. He sighed as he looked around for Khushi who was completely out of scene, her teary face always keeps coming in front of his eyes but he can’t fall weak. He walked back to his room to tell Khushi about his arrangement with Shyam as after this evening they both have to complete their part of deal.

He entered inside the room thinking to find Khushi resting on bed but she wasn’t even in room, after looking around he was going to walk outside when he saw flash of green behind the tree on poolside. He walked inside there to find her sitting there and reading some book.

“Khushi!” he almost whispered.

Khushi closes her eyes hearing his voice and then opened them back closing book in her hands at the same time. Slowly she looks up at him who was looking down at her with eager eyes and gets up from her place “Boliye (Say)”. Arnav gulps looking down at his shoes “It’s time! Di and Shyam will be here anytime.” Khushi looks at him to see if he is continuing when he didn’t she nodded “Ok. I’ll pack my bags.”

When she turned to walk inside the room she found her wrist clutched in his hand, she gulps the lump in her throat but don’t turn back. She closed her eyes feeling his arms around her as he engulfed her in his arms from behind “I am sorry Khushi! I really am. I just did or doing what I feel will be best for all of us.”

She shakes her head as tears flowed freely from her eyes and tried to come out of his arms but he tightened his hold on her and she can feel his tears on her neck as he buried his face in the crook of her neck “I promise you Khushi! I’ll make everything alright tonight. Please don’t turn your face on me, I won’t be able to live like that. I Love you!” he whispered and Khushi was sobbing loudly now.

With a sudden jerk she pushed him behind and turned to face him and before Arnav can react she started punching on his chest again and again and Arnav let her do that, looking at her with teary eyes. “You hurt me! You hurt me! You shouldn’t have said that. I was so hurt. Those few moments made me want to kill myself so I can get rid of pain.” She speaks still hitting on his chest. “shh shh don’t say that. I am sorry but please don’t speak like that.” Arnav whispered back.

Khushi cried more as her punches started becoming slow and then stopped, holding him from his collar she cried “Why? Why so much pain? Just because I thought about other’s happiness before mine?” Arnav closed his eyes and keeps his hand on her head which was now resting on his chest as she whispered everything. “I am sorry Khushi I never want to do that. I never want to say those things to you but I couldn’t risk yours and baby's safety either. I have explained you everything already.” He speaks desperately, his voice itself laced with sadness. Khushi closed her eyes as her mind went back to that unfortunate night.


Khushi was sitting under the shower, cold water running over her. Though her body was shivering but she hardly care, suddenly everything is making her feel so cheap and dirty. She wasn’t crying anymore but she was just sitting there as statue with red eyes. She didn’t hear when the door of washroom opened and shower above her went off, she didn’t realized when she was wrapped in towel and someone was speaking something to her with concern. She frowned when she felt herself shaking furiously and looked sideways to see who is it “You?”

“Khushi” Arnav almost screamed the moment he opened the washroom’s door and found Khushi in this condition. Turning off the shower, he instantly wrapped towel around her but she was sitting like a statue with no moment making him hell scared and he started shaking her. He sighed in relief when she turned to look at him, her lips forming a smile looking at him but before those lips can really smile he saw her expressions changing “You?” she whispered and pushed his hands away from her.

She tried to stand up instantly but wobbled due to the condition she was sitting earlier and was going to fall down but he catches her and this time didn’t let her go even when she struggled. Carrying her bridal style he brings her out and made her sit on recliner “Chodiye hume (leave me)” she was speaking same thing but he didn’t listen her instead pushed her back on recliner “shhhh you can scream later but first you need to change, look at yourself you are completely wet and it’s not good for your health.”

He tried to make her understand but she jerked his hands away again “Stop showing your fake concern and don’t touch me again. You disgust me!” Arnav closed his eyes to compose himself and ignore the feeling of hurt he was feeling from her words “Ok I won’t but please for few moments keep your anger aside and think about baby, this will affect him/her also.” Khushi looked down at her stomach as her hands encircled it and looked back at him again “You don’t need to worry about that, it’s not your baby. Right?” she hissed back and shivered when he shouted back “I don’t f**king care about dammit! It’s growing inside you that’s enough.” He was shaking as he tried to control his emotions and then whispered in defeated voice “I didn’t mean a word Khushi, I had to say that. I have reasons and I’ll explain you everything but please first get changed into something warm.”

Khushi looked at him stunned as she tried to grasp his words and when he again kneeled down in front of her, requesting her to give him a chance to explain everything she nodded and was going to change but her head felt heavy and she was swaying. “Sh*t wait you keep sitting here, you shouldn’t have skipped your meal and medicine Khushi, it’s not good and stupid me, I also gave you so much stress” he was speaking after holding her in his arms and making her sit back while he brings some clothes for her. Her eyes was already half closed and without wasting time he changed her clothes and then laid her on bed covering her with thick blanket. He went outside and entered inside with a plate and locked the door, shaking Khushi he made her sit with the help of pillows and fed her. She signed him to stop in middle of meal signing that she is done, he handed her medicines which she had silently.

“You sleep now. You need rest.” He was going to get up when she held him back “I won’t get any rest till I know what did you mean. So start! What do you want to tell me? Explain me?” Arnav looked down and then with a sigh faced her “It all started the night I returned back late and was asking you, why you did that? He was lying? You shouldn’t have done etc. Actually that night I met Shyam and….” He told her everything what Shyam said to him and the expression of horror he saw on her face, he wanted to take his words back instantly but he knew he don’t have any other way now. He have to tell her everything so they can end it for once and all.

To be continued……………

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