Part 39

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He walked inside the room to see Khushi sleeping, he carefully closes the door not to disturb her and looking her left inside the washroom to get changed. Later when he comes back he dims the lights and lie down on another side of bed, looking at her face and slowly slide his palm into hers before closing his own eyes. A tear rolled down from her eyes as she opened them and turned to look at him.

“Why their happiness turned  into this nightmare?”

“Why? When she should be living happily, enjoying her motherhood. They have to live with this uncertainty?”

“When will all this end?”


Arnav fisted his palms on the table as the woman in front of him filled him with information “She was trying to hide it sir but I saw it. I am sure the red marks on her cheek was of fingers and last night when those voices of shouting coming from their place I think it was that time because till last evening the marks weren’t there.”

When she completed Arnav was trying hard to control his anger otherwise he will go beat the sh*t out of that bast**d. He signed the woman to leave who was looking at him scared asking her to let him know every piece of information she can do. She is a old lady and Christian, few days ago Aman have introduced her to him as she needed job and Aman knew her as she was his neighbor. Her son and daughter-in-law passed away in an accident few months ago and she needed to do something to take care of her grandson who is around 13 years.

Though he didn’t want to hire her thinking about her age but looking at her and knowing about her and her grandson condition he remembered his own when after his parents death he and Anjali came to Nani ji’s house and how they struggled. So he just wanted to help her and her grandson in anyway though she was willing to help in AR canteen but he was planning to keep her in Raizada Mansion so she can take proper care of Khushi in this condition.

He asked her to wait for his call and thought to talk about this with Khushi but then he thought something else. Khushi’s pregnancy was at early stage and family was taking proper care of her and under the guidance of old women in family the help wasn’t needed so urgently but to Anjali it was more important as was alone with that bast**d. So he planned everything and offered the lady a deal she couldn’t deny, very smartly he got her shifted nearby Anjali’s place from where she can look after Anjali. She was introduced there as a lady whose son and daughter-in-law died and due to expenses she have shifter to that small place.

She slowly started interacting with Anjali and her grandson also started spending time with her after school. Now when she goes to market or anywhere he stays beside her and don’t let her carry any heavy things. When he got to know Anjali have started skipping doctor’s appointments due to money he played another card. He arranged another doctor and explaining everything to Anjali’s doctor asked her explain Anjali’s case details with new doctor, later same doctor was introduced to Anjali as some relative of that old lady. So Anjali started getting medicines on the name of free samples and treatment.

He was really satisfied with lady’s work and he noticed how even she was taking it personally and being really affectionate not just for money. He decided to bring her at Raizada Mansion as soon as this ends so she can take care of Khushi also and even later help them with their babies like a nanny. She hav many times told him about shouting coming from Anjali’s place and he just made sure that Anjali is fine because otherwise those fights will soon open her eyes but today what the lady have told him have left his blood boiling. “There were slap marks on Anjali’s face.”

Drabble: Fragile Hearts ||COMPLETED|| #IAAWhere stories live. Discover now