Part 37

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#4 in Short story 😱😱😱😱😱
Thank you dear readers😘😘
I am so happy 😊😊
Love you all😍😍


Next Day Arnav met the detective and the revelations about Shyam shocked him more if possible, he have himself hired detectives but he asked them to stop after knowing Khushi have already took care of proofs. Both men discussed the dangers that Shyam can cause, even detective was really concerned about Khushi as she was of around same age as his daughter and really good at heart. After planning how and what steps they should take keeping Khushi and Anjali’s safety on top priorities now along with another life with them, detective left Arnav’s office and after thinking for sometime more Arnav called his lawyer inside.”

“Two can play together” Arnav thought.

As the days start to pass, the more care and attention Khushi started getting from everyone. She was really happy, but in a few days she started feeling some changes in Arnav’s behavior. She did not know what was wrong with him, it wasn’t like he wasn’t taking care of her or was behaving rude, but she is feeling like he is hiding something. Something which is making him restless, something which neither he is able to digest nor say it out aloud.

Many times she tried to talk with him about it but he just stalls the talk ignore meeting her eyes. He is trying to make distance from her, she can feel that though he is trying hard that she don’t feel it. She have really started feeling scared now, when he told her that they’re going to be parents he was so happy and he have forgiven her then why his behavior suddenly changed? 

Tonight, determined to confront him she is now waiting for him. She haven’t had her dinner either like she were doing from last few days as everyone said it’s not good for and Arnav have given strict instructions. So not wanting to disappoint him again, she have been doing as he says but he can’t ignore it anymore. By now he must be informed by family that she haven’t had her dinner and waiting for him and she is sure he’ll be here soon. Just as she was thinking that she heard the sound of door and next moment Arnav was standing beside the couch in which she was lying reading her books.

“Why didn’t you have dinner? You know it’s not good to avoid meals in this condition. You can’t have medicines without eating something.” Arnav glared at her in frustration and Khushi was all set to nod and give in, scared but soon thinking about her earlier plans she composes herself.

“Yes Arnav ji I know but I wanted to have dinner with you. Now you are here let’s go, I am feeling hungry.” She acted nonchalant and stands up from couch and held him from elbow to drag him outside.

Arnav looked at her confused, Khushi ignored his frown and tried to pull him again who was hardly moving from his place. She won’t ask him anything first, let him himself spill that he is avoiding her on purpose only then she’ll ask further about it. Arnav pulled his hand from her grip and she looked at him feigning confusion on her face “What happened Arnav ji? Just now you were saying it’s not good to avoid meals and now you’re making it late.”

“Khushi! What are you trying to do?” Arnav asked confusingly.

“Me? What did I do?” Khushi again asked with same expressions.

“You know I am busy in some important work these days and return late. I have asked you to have your meals and medicines on time and take ample of rest and thankfully you have been doing that also then why this sudden change? You do realize that that you can’t do this childishness anymore right? You have another life growing inside of you and you actions will affect him/her also. Then why haven’t you had your dinner on time tonight?” Arnav asked crossing his arms in front of him as he looked at her for answer.

“Yes Arnav ji! I do realize that I can’t do this childishness anymore but not because I have another life growing inside me but because you don’t care about me anymore.” Khushi speaks looking into his eyes, challenging him to deny and she saw the shock flicker in his eyes as he uncrossed his hands so she continued “Yes my actions will affect my child but the child is only mine not yours? Your behavior won’t affect our child? I don’t understand why are you making these silly excuses of staying away because I for sure know that there is nothing so much important going on which you can’t avoid and come back home on time for your pregnant wife who needs you as well the life growing inside her.” Arnav looked at her in shock as she continued.

“I am sure there is nothing so important and so urgent which is making to stay back at office for so late because if that was the case Akash jiju won’t be coming back home on time either. He would be also staying back so you both could finish that work and come back early but he is coming back on time even sometimes early like his wife is pregnant and needs him not yours. Yes I haven’t had dinner tonight because I really wanted to have it with you, I know can’t avoid meals because of baby therefore unlike myself I am having them regularly every night looking at the door that may be tonight you’ll come on time and join us, that may be tonight you’ll spend sometime with our baby and myself.” Silent tears was flowing from Khushi’s eyes as she was speaking and Arnav was looking down in guilt.

“I know what I do will affect my baby but really the baby is only mine? Don’t he/her need father’s warmth and care? I am not saying you’re not taking care of us but just making sure of that I had meals and medicines on time, that I am taking proper rest, that my every craving is getting fulfilled are enough? Don’t we need your time, your love? It is ok to live in fear and restlessness that when everything will be crushed because may be you haven’t still forgave me for what happened? May be you still hold me responsible for everything? May be you don’t trust me anymore? That may be now I am just a burden on y…..” she hiccupped as she was speaking, crying but before she can continue further she was interrupted by Arnav this time.

Arnav cupped her cheek and wiped her tears “Shhhh Say whatever you want. Blame me however much you want but never call yourself a burden. You can never be a burden to me, (after a pause) I am sorry if by my actions I made you feel that I am ignoring you or baby but that’s not true” he was interrupted by Khushi who laughed painfully keeping her hands above his on her cheeks “So you still won’t accept that you’re deliberately staying away, ignoring us?” Khushi removed his hands from her face and turned away “Leave it! I really need to eat something then I have to take my medicines if you haven’t already had your dinner in office or with some client you can join.”

Before Khushi can step out of room Arnav pulled her back but carefully taking care of not to hurt her or baby in any way and cupped her cheeks again “Khushi trust me, I didn’t thought that my behavior will hurt you so much. I really love and care about you and baby, it was never in my intension to hurt you. I thought I am keeping you away from any tension and danger but I didn’t realize I am myself hurting you in the process.”

“I know and I trust you Arnav ji but I want to know what are you hiding. I know something is eating you from inside but you’re not saying it, please tell me Arnav ji. Have I done something wrong again? You’re staying away because you’re still angry with me?” Khushi pleaded hopefully for an answer and Arnav shakes his head as he looks away to compose himself and arrange his words. Suddenly he removes his hand from her face and turned his back to her “I won’t hide or lie anymore Khushi if you’re so persistent to know the reason of my change behavior then I’ll tell you.” Khushi instantly comes in front of him, looking at him with hope but the stony expressions on his face scared her “What is it?” She asked in low voice and the next words he said was enough to make the earth beneath her feat shake.

“I think… I think…. I feel the child growing inside you isn’t mine but Shyam’s.”

To be continued…………..

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