Part 21

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After sometime

Arnav: Ok enough of these talks now! I want to discuss something more serious with you.
Khushi: What happened Arnav ji? Everything is alright?
Arnav: That’s what I want to ask!
Khushi: What do you mean?
Arnav: Khushi though I don’t stay at home all day but the time I stay at home, I have noticed that there is something wrong….. after a pause… between you and Di. Khushi looked at him nervously.

Arnav: Khushi I have already told you what Di means for me and Now you have also become a integral part of mine. Khushi I can’t see anyone of you said or in some problem therefore I am asking you if there is some problem or something happened between you both than tell me. I want to solve this tension before things can go more complicated. And don’t try to deny that there is nothing wrong because I can see the sudden change of behavior in Di towards you.

Khushi (sadly): You’re right Arnav ji, something is not right but to tell you the truth I myself don’t understand what happened. Everything was going good but from few days suddenly Di started talking with me rudely, I tried to ask if I have done some mistake but she don’t even talk. First I felt hurt but than thought may be she is irritated because of her pregnancy hormones. But as days are passing I don’t think it’s just because of hormones, may be she don’t like me anymore. Arnav ji do you think she is not happy with our marriage?

Arnav: Bulls**t! she was so happy with our relation but if nothing happened than why is Di behaving in this way. He thought loudly and Khushi also looked perplexed.

Arnav: I need to talk with Di!
Khushi: Leave all that Arnav ji, she’ll come around slowly. Also if you talk with her now there is great possibility that this matter can become more worse. She is already not happy with me and if she thought that I told you all this and feeling you against her than mine and Di relation can turn more bitter. Let things happen as they are, I’ll try to know what is bothering Di and solve the matter myself. You don’t do anything, this time she needs all our love and support, you just stay with her as you have been staying and behave as you don’t know anything.

Arnav: What the!! Am I blind who can’t see the obvious?
Khushi (sighed): No you’re not but I am telling you to pretend like you don’t know anything and let things go with flow.

Arnav nodded thinking deeply before he asked the next question nagging him badly. “Why do you stay so scared these days?” Khushi looked at him startled.

Khushi (stammering): I… I… scared? What are you saying Arnav ji?
Arnav: Oh please! I just said, I am not blind who can’t see the obvious, that too when it is related to my wife.
Arnav: Khushi don’t deny, from the night of marriage I can see the fear lurking in your eyes. You have turned very silent and aloof, this wasn’t the Khushi I knew and fell in love with. Initially I thought it is because of our sudden marriage and new family things have turned awkward for you but  I can’t believe than even now you feel awkward and scared with same family you used to spent almost all of the day with before our marriage.

Arnav: I am not a fool, how Payal tag around you almost when I am not around or even sometimes before me like there is some danger for you. I didn’t miss the way you lock up yourself in our when I get late to return from office. I didn’t miss the way you sigh in relief looking at me and snuggle to me like hiding yourself from someone or something. And at the end I don’t think all this is my imagination and there is nothing.

Arnav completed looking at Khushi who was looking down and he can see the drops of tears falling in her lap. It hurts him but he wants to know what is bothering her, so he turned her to look at him but instead she hugged him, pushing herself to him as much as possible, his arms went around her naturally and rubbed her back as she cried bitterly.

Khushi: I am sorry! I am so sorry Arnav ji. You’re right I am hiding something, you’re right I do feel scared.
Arnav: What is it Khushi? Please tell me!

Khushi: I’ll tell you everything, everything but not now. Please Arnav ji don’t ask anything for now.
Arnav: But Khushi I…… Khushi interrupts in between.
Khushi: Please trust me Arnav ji, whatever I am doing is for everyone’s happiness. Few things are better hidden if they can spoil happiness of others. All I want is sometime, I’ll myself come and tell you everything till then please just trust me whatever I am hiding is for everyone’s happiness. I have tried earlier to tell you everything on the night when you gifted me my muh dikhayi’s gift but at that time you stopped me and now I don’t have it me, When the right time comes I’ll tell you everything. But please trust me, please, I need you, I need you to believe me, i need your support to go on and fight with my fear, please believe me, please trust me Arnav ji, please…..

Arnav: shhhh…. Shhh…. Relax! Relax Khushi! I do. I do trust you! Calm down okay? Calm down and tell me when you’re ready.

He tried to make her calm she almost started pleading helplessly, dammit! He didn’t want this, he wanted to help her. He kept whispering soothing words to her, pulling her on his lap and hugging her close to himself. He stopped feeling her even breathings and looked to see her asleep, sighing in relief he carried her inside the room and laid her down on bed. He looked down to see her fist holding her tee tightly in her grip always and he settled beside her who snuggled to him instantly. Kissing on her forehead, he covered them with duvet and closed his eyes to get some sleep.

To be continued…………………

Precap: Khushi and Payal starts their course and reason for Anjali’s behavior.


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