Part 4

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Arnav stumbled two steps behind with the force Khushi hugged him, he managed to save them from the fall and hugged her back as slowly a smile adorned his lips.

Encircling his arms around her, relishing
the feeling of her in his arms,  Arnav pulled her more close,  if possible and buried his face in her hairs. Khushi also hugged him tightly,  burying her fingers in his hairs ensuring it's not some dream.

Khushi continued to cry and laugh in happiness,  overwhelmed with everything as Arnav rubbed her back to calm her down.

Arnav: Khushi I didn't thought that you're so scared of me that you'll start crying.

Khushi: I am not scared of you. She replied instantly.

Arnav (teasingly): Your tears are telling something else.

Khushi: These tears are of happiness. Samje aap?  (got it?)

Arnav (feigning innocence): Happiness?  But why are you happy?

Khushi pulled out from the hug looking down embarrassingly as her cheeks turned red. But before she can take step back Arnav held her from waist not letting her move away.


Arnav: You didn't answered me? He said moving the fringes of her hairs behind her hairs as he smirked looking at her blushing face.

Khushi: Nothing!  I am happy,  I.. I am.. happy.. Ummmm

Arnav: Yes Khushi you're happy,  you already told me but I want to know  the reason.

Khushi looked at his playful expressions with a pout, knowing very well he is just teasing her.

Khushi: I am happy because Jiji is getting married tonight. Got your answer? I am going now.

She pulled herself away from his hold and tried to move away before he pulled her back and she came crashing against her chest.

Arnav: Not so soon Khushi Kumari Gupta!  I also told you something but I haven't got my answer.

Khushi looked away shyly,  her palms was resting on his chest and she could feel his heartbeat beating just like hers.
Looking above at his face, she could see the eagerness in his eyes for her reply.

Khushi: I Love you too Arnav ji! Jitna aap karte hai usse kahi jada. (Even more then you do).

Arnav smiled wholeheartedly as he crushed her back into his arms,  dropping numerous kissed on side of her face and hairs.

Khushi smiled thanking her deity for gifting her Love, the person she loved and thought would never get. Tonight he is here, with her,  holding her in his arms,  like his most beautiful treasure.

Arnav: I am so happy today Khushi. Thanks for coming into my life.

Khushi: And thanks for holding me whenever I was going to fall.

But what she forgot in her happiness of getting her Love, that evil shadows are still lurking around them and till when this happiness lasts no one knows.

To be continued..........

Drabble: Fragile Hearts ||COMPLETED|| #IAAWhere stories live. Discover now