Part 16

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When Khushi came out, she gasped looking at the already cleaned and set room , she looked around to see Arnav standing on poolside talking on phone must be with Aman ji, she thought annoyed. Her eyes fell on bed and twinkled looking at the most beautiful yet so simple red saree placed there. She walked and sat on bed, she admired the saree, caressing it’s fabric when she felt him behind as he snaked his hand around her waist and whispered in her ears.

Arnav: Liked it?

Khushi: It’s beautiful!

Arnav: Then what are are you waiting for? Wear it! I want to see you in it.

Khushi nodded and taking saree she was again walking towards washroom when he stopped her.

Arnav: where do you think you’re going? Saree will get spoiled in washroom, floor must be wet. You change here, till then I’ll take my shower.

Khushi: Ji! Arnav smiled and taking his clothes, he closed French doors and closing the curtains so she can change he left for washroom.

Khushi smiled looking at her Laad Governer’s caring side and started wearing saree when she thought about earlier incident, she called Arnav to remind him that she needs clothes and he should ask from Anjali ji but she didn’t know Shyam is also here. She only heard the voices of Arnav and Anjali but as soon as her eyes landed on Shyam and how his eyes lingered on her messy state in few seconds, send chills inside her and without thinking she just got hide behind Arnav.

She knew she have to face Shyam as they are in same house now, under same roof but she is scared. She is scared after how he threatened her last night. She almost forgot everything in Arnav’s arms last night but now again reality hit her. Though she is living her beautiful life in Arnav’s love but villain is also here and unfortunately in her case she have to face him alone for now as her Prince is unaware of the Devil and connected with devil with relations he considers more than his life.

She gasped coming out of her thoughts as she felt him hugging her from behind and burying his face in her hairs, in the crook of her neck making him shudder and hold his hands resting on her now bare waist.

Arnav: You are looking “exquisite”.

He looked at her face in mirror as he kissed on her right cheek looking at how she closed her eyes in pleasure in the mirror. She turned hugging him abruptly in shyness making him chuckle as he hugged her back , caressing her back to calm her.

Pulling back from the hug Arnav cupped her cheeks before kissing her forehead.

Arnav: Come! He walked with her to the wardrobe and after opening it told her  to look at it.

Arnav: for now I have arranged your clothes here with mine only. I know it looks little messy but this wardrobe was only for me so, but I’ll soon order to make a new wardrobe for both of us. Khushi smiled looking at everything and asked him to stop.

Khushi: It’s ok Arnav ji! But I could have borrowed something from Di today. Why you took so much tension? And when did you arranged all this?

Arnav(chuckled): when you didn’t borrowed anything last night then how can you think I’ll let my newly we wife wear something borrowed .

Khushi looked at him admiringly, it feels so good to be at the receiving end of so much care and love.

Arnav: and about when did I arranged it? Well when you were struggling last night inside the washroom, I already called Aman and instructed what he have to do and parcel I was talking about was for you only sent by Aman.

Khushi: Thank you!
Arnav: No need! Now let me also get ready.

Khushi looked at his bare chest with a towel hung around his neck and turned red, nodding at him she pulled out his clothes for the day and handed him.

Arnav: Thank you wifey!
Khushi: I’ll meet Jiji till then, I need some other things also.

Arnav: Like?

Khushi: Like sindoor, bindi, bangles etc.

Arnav: Come! He again took her in front of mirror and opened the drawers attached to it. There everything was neatly arranged, sindoor, bangles,ipsticks, kaajal, bindi , some jewelleries and few other necessities. 

Khushi(gasped): when did you do it?

Arnav; when you were taking shower, I arranged everything as soon as I received parcel.

Khushi: and room also?

Arnav: yea!

Khushi: but why? I could have done that.

Arnav: because I thought to save your time and help you. He applied sindoor on her partition as he spoke and also applied bindi on her forehead. Khushi continued to look at him with misty eyes as he continued to tell her how and when he did everything as he slipped bangles in her wrist.

Khushi: I Love you! She confessed with teary eyes.

Arnav(smiled): Is it necessary to always cry? He teased as he removed the tear drops from the corner of her eyes, making her smile.

Arnav: Though when I have saved your time, I should also get something. His expressions suddenly turned naughty making Khushi suddenly nervous.

Khushi: get something?... something.. what? What do you want Arnav ji

Arnav: Something I feel I am going to be addicted. He spoke huskily caressing her cheeks.

Khushi: addicted? What is it? She asked innocently.

Arnav: let me show you!

And next moment his lips was on hers kissing her passionately as she moaned in his mouth and reciprocated slowly. Pinning her to the wall behind him, he held her from her bare waist and caressed it making her moan and him desirous for more as he pinched her on waist and his hands started roaming on her almost bare back with just that backless blouse.

A knock on the door made them to break the kiss and both their foreheads collided as they tried to compose their breaths before their eyes opened. Khushi looked away instantly in shyness making him chuckle as he asked her to get ready till he checks on the door.

To be continued……………

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