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As you can read this note is all about few clarifications in this story because I am receiving many messages.

I have been receiving many messages and even few comments that "Arnav should be punished for hurting Khushi, Arnav is using Khushi as pawn,  Arnav shouldn't have said those words, Khushi should leave Arnav with her baby and bla bla"

So the thing I want to ask is why?

1) Why Arnav should be punished because he thought of safeguarding his family?

2) He was angry with Khushi because if she haven't decided to hide about Shyam things could have been handled in different way and I feel he was right on his part.

3) Why Arnav should be punished here? Because even after Khushi choose to hide everything from him he still believed her and supported her over his dear sister?

4) Arnav always asked her if she is hiding something, if she is uncomfortable about something. Even after Khushi didn't say anything he noticed all and asked many times.

5) If Khushi choose to hide and lie about Shyam then she is "Bechari and making surprise" and if Arnav was hiding something to safeguard his family and lied not exactly lied even, he cleared everything instantly then he is "Selfish or heartless" and Khushi should leave him, not forgive him. Really?

6) Didn't Khushi acted selfish when Arnav asked about her changed behavior? Didn't she hide because she was scared to loose him? 

7) Yes, Anjali did wrong but what's the mistake of her unborn that Arnav shouldn't think about their safety?
Most important thing even if she is not pregnant than just think yourself "Will you start hating your sibling that much just because he/she supported their spouse and trusted and won't even care if they are in extreme danger?

8) Anjali is wrong but as a wife she haven't isolated her husband because he have earned that trust from years. So according to her she is doing what she feels good for her husband and unborn. She is not negative but living a life of misconception. She was the first one to accept Khushi happily, she doesn't hate her, she is acting under the burden of misunderstandings.

*So Please stop cursing Arnav without any reason,  he is doing what he feels best for his family especially Khushi and baby. Even if he have hired more detectives and guards what's the guarantee they can find every information on time? That time the lady heard him so he was able to save Khushi but not always luck will help them.

So if a lie can save the life of his wife and baby than what's wrong? He though felt angry but that on himself, he felt proud of Khushi even if she have slept with Shyam for family. So how can we curse that man who is doing nothing from the start but supporting his love,  making sure she is comfortable?

P. S. I guess I may add 2-3 parts more now to clear Anjali's part also. 😕😕

Drabble: Fragile Hearts ||COMPLETED|| #IAAWhere stories live. Discover now