Part 6

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Khushi: Arnav ji please leave me! She said trying hard to not cry in front of him.

Arnav: No! First tell me what happened suddenly ?  And you can't do what?

Khushi: I can't Love you. She stammered but said looking away from him.

Arnav: But you already Love me Khushi!  And you yourself accepted it just sometime ago.

Khushi: That was because I was overwhelmed with emotions but now I have realised it's not possible.
You Me!  We can't be together.
I can't do this!

Arnav: WT*! You can't do that?  Seriously Khushi?  You love me! I Love you! Than why is that we can't be together?

Khushi(struggling for words): Because you and me both are very different!  You have been in relationships before also, how can I believe that I am not some another fling for you? She said now looking into his eyes to stop this argument but flinched looking at the pain flashing in his eyes.

Arnav looked stunned at her,  he felt so bad looking how she don't trust him and closed his eyes to gulp the pain before he do something stupid. Khushi regretted,  regretted on her words looking at his painful expressions.

Arnav looked at Khushi,  composing himself. Maybe he never gave her enough reasons to trust him, and it was him who always said that he don't believe in Love. He needs to set everything right,  for her, for himself.

Arnav (he cupped her cheek): Khushi!  I know I was the one who never believed in Love. I accept I have been in relationships before,  but Khushi that was open relationships and I never said to any of those girls that I Love them. They knew,  I don't and never will.

Arnav: But Khushi that was all a past. Today's truth is that "I Love you". I want you beside me for forever. Please try to understand Khushi. Please give a chance to me, to us.
Let me prove "How much I Love you".

Khushi looked at him with tears flowing from her eyes now, "Oh how much she wants to hug him right now and tell him that he don't have to prove anything,  she trusts him." but she can't do this for him, for his Happiness only, she have to do this.

Khushi: Ok. Prove it!

Arnav: How?

Khushi: You say you love me but are you ready for marriage?  Arnav looked at her stunned as she continued.

Khushi: I know you don't believe in marriages and sorry Mr. Raizada but I am not of those girls who will entertain you with live- in relationships and warm your bed without marriage.

Arnav: Khushi!  He shouted and raised his hand to Slap her but stopped in mid way. He gulped his anger,  and fisted his fingers. Khushi closed her eyes looking at his raised hand but opened them to find him controlling his anger.

Arnav: Please Khushi tell me whatever you want but at least don't use those words for yourself.

Khushi looked down ashamed,  she went too far in hurting him.

Arnav came forward and brought the box he was carrying in his pocket in front of her.

Arnav: I was anyway going to propose you for marriage Khushi. I know your believes and wishes and I respect them.

Khushi looked at stunned and lowered her eyes ashamed for hurting the only she loves.

Arnav: I'll talk to Nani and Di for engagement. He held her palm to slide the ring in her finger but she pulled her hand back.

Arnav: Now what?

Khushi: You declared engagement with Lavanya ji also but what happened?

Arnav: Khushi I already explained you.

Khushi: But how can I trust you?

Arnav: Khushi you're testing my patience now. Tell me what should I do?

Khushi: Marry Me!

Arnav: I'll!  I am telling you na?

Khushi: Marry me now!

Arnav (shocked): Khushi this is not a game. Ok?  I am ready for marriage but we need time to understand each other. You and me may understand each other but we don't know about each other much. Let's get engaged and take it slow, we should give each other sometime before getting married, this is not a bloody game.

Khushi: Excuses! You're making excuses because you don't want to marry. I know you'll break engagement in some days also.

Arnav: Enough!

Arnav: Enough of your crap!  I was bearing all that because I knew I have some faults in me and it's not easy for you to believe in me but that doesn't mean that you'll keep raising finger on Arnav Singh Raizada. I never back off from my words Khushi but now enough.

When  You don't trust me even this much  then I think it's stupidity to give a chance to this relationship. Do whatever you want now! Sorry I don't deserve someone so perfect like you.

Arnav pushed her back with a jerk and left from there in anger.

Khushi fell down drained, she cried for the dreams which was just going to turn into reality from her own hands, for the hurt she gave to Arnav,  for the Love which she killed from her own hands and for her own Fragile Heart.

Khushi: I am sorry Arnav ji! I am so sorry!  I trust you!  I know you'll never leave me but I have to do this. For you,  for yours and Di's happiness. I am sorry!

To be continued.......

Drabble: Fragile Hearts ||COMPLETED|| #IAAWhere stories live. Discover now