Part 25

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Next day

Feeling ticklish when Khushi opened her eyes she found Arnav gazing at her lovingly, caressing her face softly. She smiled at him who smiled in return kissing on her forehead.
Arnav: Good Morning!
Khushi: Good Morning! You woke up so early?
Arnav: I never slept so no chance of waking up!
Khushi (with wide eyes): You didn't sleep? Arnav nodded in no.
Khushi: But why? You're not feeling well? What happened? She stopped as Arnav shushed her.

Arnav: I am perfectly alright. And about not feeling well, trust me I never felt more amazing than today. Khushi looked at him confused and smiling at her cute face Arnav pecked on her lips.

Arnav: You know you are really cute! Well wifey , I guess we both were awake till wee hours and you already know doing what. And when you slept being so tired, I just kept looking at you, memorizing every moment in my heart for forever.

He finished looking at her lovingly who have by now turned red and looking everywhere except him, making him chuckle and hug her. " Are you sure you're same Khushi who was so confident and eager last night?" Khushi hides herself more into him blushing hard.

Arnav: But Khushi I have to go office today, you know I took off for yesterday also.

Khushi: Yours mistake Mr. Raizada you should have slept rather than admiring your sleeping wife. Therefore have your breakfast and take rest. And if there is something urgent tell Aman ji to shift it after lunch, because you're not going anywhere before that.

Arnav: Are you kidding with me Mrs. Raizada? Which fool can sleep after making love to his wife for the first time that too when she was looking so messed up yet cute and sexy and also when he loves her like anything.

Khushi (turning red): Arnav ji! Don't talk like this. What if someone hears?
Arnav: Who cares? I am talking with my wife.
Khushi: arghhhh No point of arguing. So like you said, you'll also hear what your wife is saying whom you love like anything and take rest.
Arnav: on one condition.
Khushi: Here you go, the perfect businessman and his conditions. Tell me!
Arnav: You're also going to take rest because I know you also hardly slept and I know you're still feeling some pain.
Khushi: Arnav ji!!!
Arnav: Come on Khushi, it's obvious yaar it was your first time and therefore I am saying more than me you need rest.
Khushi: But what will everyone say?
Arnav: Don't worry! I already told them you were not feeling well from last night when Di asked me why I suddenly left like that.
Khushi: but....
Arnav: No buts and if's. Come and sleep.

Anjali was pacing in her room, things are going out of hands now, today her Chotte lied to her for that girl. Though she kept quiet but she know he was lying, nothing happened to Khushi last night. Yesterday night, her chotte ignored her for the first time for Khushi, first he left in middle of talking with her and later he ignored her phone calls. And then she have already seen the messed up condition of their room with those melted candles when they were in shower in morning.

Anjali: Khushi have started now distancing my brother from me. I have to do something fast before Shyam ji's words come true and she successfully destroys the piece of my family. She knows the weakness of men and she is using only that to control my chotte, just like she did last night. I have to make chotte understand her true colors soon.

If only she knew, she is herself walking on the path to destroy her family. If only she knew, no one ignored her but yesterday night indeed special for her Chotte and happiest one. It was not any usual night but their first wedding night as couple. If only she understands, he chotte is not only her chotte anymore but someone's husband also and that someone also has full rights on his time and him. But, if only.


In afternoon

Arnav: woah so many missed calls. He was now checking his phone after waking up from his much needed sleep. In morning battery was finished, so he just called Aman from landline and put his phone for charging.

Khushi: Arnav ji! Lunch is ready, we should go downstairs.
Arnav: Yea, just a moment. Dammit so many missed calls from di!
Khushi: What? But why?
Arnav: Don't worry! It's from last night. She must be getting worried why I left like that and didn't go back.
Khushi: Haww you should have informed her and at least received the calls. I was telling you to look at your phone but just turned it silent.
Arnav: Why are you women are so childish? You really think I should have received the calls and chit chatted when I am in middle of making love to my wife?
Khushi (throwing a pillow on him): First stop talking like that. You're making me embarrass again and again.
Arnav: I wouldn't, I am talking to my wife not some outsider and of course not in front of everyone. One side it's your childishness and another side Di's. What was there to panic so much I didn't return? She is herself married, she could have understand rather then calling so much in middle of night and if there was something serious I could have informed everyone myself but no she have to panic at every little thing.

Khushi: Ok baba sorry! And I'll talk with Di also and say sorry for calling spoiling your time together.
Arnav: How sweet!! He said sarcastically. You're not doing anything of that sort, it wasn't your fault. I'll talk to her myself.
Khushi: ok! Now let's go downstairs, I am feeling hungry.
Arnav: Ok let's go. (of course he wouldn't tell her that he don't want her to talk with Di because he is scared how she'll respond with the way she is behaving these days with Khushi.)

To be continued........................

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