Part 19

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Everything was going smoothly, Arnav and Khushi’s relation was progressing in god pace. They have now started understanding each other better, which was necessary for their relation. Shyam many times tried to corner Khushi but she acted strong and after Payal returned from her honeymoon she was also there beside Khushi and always gave back to Shyam, confidently making him wonder what has suddenly came upon these timid sisters.

Arnav looked at Khushi who was smiling talking animatedly to her Amma, he have noticed she was missing her family. So when she told him that she is going to temple, he have accompanied her and after temple he straightly brought her to Gupta house and then the bright smile he have seen on her face was worth it.

It’s almost been a month to their marriage and everything is going good, well at least it looks. Arnav looks at laughing Khushi once more, well he is not a fool to not notice the obvious changes in her. This, her carefree laugh, her naughtiness, her chirpy avatar which used to another name of the Khushi he fell in love with is missing. Instead he have noticed the fear, the fear which he have witnessed on the night of their marriage on terrace.

Initially he have thought that may be the sudden marriage and new home is the reason and with time she’ll be herself again but he can’t believe that after a month this reason is enough for her changed behavior because RM is not a new place place for her to feel awkward. She have been part of his family from very long now and she used to stay happy with them. She stays happy with family but he have still noticed the fear lurking in her hazel orbs.

He have noticed the way she locks all the doors and windows of their room and poolside if he is going to be late to come back from office. The way she looks startled at every voice around her, the way she runs to hug him as soon as he enters inside the room after coming back. He is sure, the fear isn’t because of him, she is not running away from him because he have felt that she looks upon him, she finds solace in him, she sighs in relief looking at him and that is enough for him to know she feels safe around him. Even in night she sleeps snuggling in his chest like hiding herself from everything but the question is than what is making her scared or whom?

And now his tension doesn’t ends here, from last few days he have seen the change in his Di also. She is acting weird, he have noticed that his Di who was so happy on the time of his marriage is not really happy with Khushi these days. Sometimes she answers rudely to her and though Khushi felt it but she stays silent, she haven’t complaint anything to him but she don’t know he have noticed everything.

What the hell is happening is now bothering him too much! he really want to talk with Di straightly and ask her to stop being so rude with Khushi but he don’t know how’ll she react and she is pregnant also. So after looking at the situation he have came on a decision, Khushi needs to come out of her fear and stay carefree and smiling like and he just knows what makes her happy. He is going to do that only and in this way there will be less interaction between Di and khushi. Khushi wouldn’t feel hurt with Di’s behavior when she is only trying to take care of her and very soon finding the right time he will talk with Di himself about her sudden change behavior.

He smiled at Bua ji as she wished hi good luck like earlier as he have now Sanaka devi to take care off and taking blessings of Bua ji, Amma and Bau ji they left Gupta house. He looked down at Khushi who was resting her head on his shoulder smiling and talking as he drove towards RM. This is the Khushi he fell in love with and he likes her this way only, smiling, warming his heart.

To be continued………………

Precap: Arnav’s decision

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