Part 2

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Fragile Hearts


Khushi was crying there unable to understand what should she do. She can't let Payal's happiness hamper because of her again. She knew if she told Payal or anyone about it to her family they'll just cancel this marriage and take Payal and Khushi away from here or they can reveal Shyam's truth which can complicate things if the family didn't believe them.

Shyam is not only a evil creature but shrewd lawyer also, he can easily manipulate the things. This family is living with him from years, he have made a very respectable and great image of him whereas they know her family just about few months. How'll her family prove the truth and it can result to the more insult of her family in front of everyone down there.

If she was not so lost in her thoughts she would have felt the gust of air which always indicates the arrival of the only person whom her Fragile Heart has fallen for. So when she felt the touch on her shoulder, she jerked up instantly to found him looking at her concerned. Arnav kneeled down instantly as he saw tears in her eyes.

Arnav: Khushi! Kya hua? (what happened? Tum ro kyun rahi ho? (Why are you crying) Kisi ne kaha kuch tumse? (Did anyone said something to you)

Khushi looked at him silently as he continued to ask questions with concern in his eyes. She wanted nothing just to tell him everything and cry in his arms, so without thinking anything she threw herself in his arms, crying holding the collar of his perfectly ironed shirt. It surprised Arnav but concern took over, so hugging her back, he tried to sush her, caressing her back and asking the reason behind her crying.

Arnav: "Will you speak up dammit?" He almost shouted feeling helpless when she just cried saying nothing.

Khushi instantly stopped crying and looked up at him with innocent eyes, scared if he's going to shout at her, she was parting herself from him when he stopped her from his hand which was on her back he pulled her back and cupped her cheek from his another hand.

Arnav: Tum thik ho? (You're fine?)

"No" she wanted to shout but overwhelmed, she could just nod in denial.

Arnav: What happened?

Khushi who was looking at him like a lost kid hoping someone to show her a way, her expressions changed as everything happened a while ago started coming back to her. She looked at him again who was looking at her to get some answer and than got up instantly pushing his hands back.

Arnav also got up looking at her confusingly but she was looking away wiping her tears.

Arnav: Khushi?

Khushi: I am fine! It's just I remembered something from past and was feeling sad about it.

Arnav: "You're lying." It was not a question but statement.

Khushi: Why would I? I am saying the truth.

Arnav: But... He stopped as a thought crossed his mind and his palms fisted " Was she thinking about her fiance and their broken engagement? "

Only the thought of her thinking about some other man twisted every nerve inside him and the decision to make her his got more determined.

Arnav: Is it about your fiance?

Khushi :No! Why would I cry for him? He don't deserve my tears.

His posture instantly relaxed and he turned her towards him holding her shoulders.

Arnav: Then why were you crying? Please say the truth.

Khushi looked at him as her mouth parted to say something but closed instantly. "Should she tell him everything? "

How would he react? Will he believe her?

She looked into his eyes again which was showing something more than just care and concern, something she knew what is it but too scared to get her dreams shattered along with her Fragile Heart.

She closed her eyes as Payal's and than Anjali's smiling face came into her mind. "Shyam needs to go away from their life for the happiness of these two families." She thought determined and opened her eyes and looked at Arnav who was already looking at her confused.

Khushi: Yes! I was lying.

To be continued...

Drabble: Fragile Hearts ||COMPLETED|| #IAAWhere stories live. Discover now