Part 31

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Proofread by ShaniceKazmi

Somewhere in the middle of night screeching of tires broke Khushi’s sleep and she realised that Arnav is back. Sighing in relief she composed herself and walked outside unknown of what is waiting for her. Unknown that her fragile hearts have to bear the more pain of distance and ignorance.

Khushi: Arnav ji where have you been? You know how worried I was?

Arnav straightly entered the room without answering her anything and started taking out his clothes to change from the wardrobe. Khushi gulped her tears looking at his indifference but gathering some courage she started again 

“Arnav ji I know you’re hurt but trust me I never wanted to hurt Di. I know how much hurt you are because of Di’s decision but…..”She got cut off by Arnav.

Arnav turned towards her angrily “But what?  And what did you just say you know how hurt I am? liar! And I should trust you? why?”

Khushi (sobbing): Arnav ji!!

Arnav (clutching her from shoulders): Tell me why Khushi? Why should I trust you? So you can again hide things from me as you like? 

Arnav left her with a jerk as his expressions turned painful “I did everything. Everything from the night I confessed my Love for you, everything because of which you can get comfortable with me, everything by which I can make you trust me. I have even gone ahead marrying you all of a sudden because I thought you need an assurance that this, between us, my feelings are not any ploy but serious and for always.”

Arnav chuckles as he continued “But look it seems I failed in it, I failed in it very bad.”

Khushi: No Arnav ji… cut off by him.

Arnav: No! you have proved it yourself that I have failed otherwise why would my wife hide from me that someone is trying to molest her under my nose? Why will she hide that there’s a snake living among my family, with my sister?

Khushi (crying): I am sorry. I am sorry Arnav ji.. 

Arnav (laughs painfully): For what? For what Khushi? For making me feel so low? For pushing my sister to leave this house? 

Khushi: “Arnav ji! What are you saying? I never wished for Di to take this step. I thought you trust me, you trust me and therefore you supported me.” She cried in shock.

Arnav: “I did! I did trust you otherwise why would I let my sister leave this house. But like I said you didn’t trust me enough. I failed otherwise you would have confided in me, you would have told me the truth.”

“I always tried to understand you, understand behind your silence and that led me to ask you those questions that night. I asked you, I asked you if there’s anything I should know but you stayed quiet. I told you that I never want a day to come where I have to choose between Di and you but look it happened today.”

“We could have fought together, tried together, I could have handled it in my way than may be what happened today could be avoided.”

“Yes! I trusted you. I trusted you so much to go against my mother like sister but you! You failed me Khushi. You failed me as a husband, as a brother.”

“Today my sister denied to believe my decisions, and I don’t blame her you know because she just supported her partner. The partner who told her what he is feeling, the partner who made his points clear in front of her, truth or lie doesn’t matter but he at least told her, who had given him reasons to trust him unlike my wife who didn’t found me this much capable of sharing her feelings with me, to share her fears with me, to seek my support.”

Khushi was crying badly till now, she always thought she is doing all this to save everyone from pain but she never knew one day it’ll cause them more pain, especially Arnav. He has not failed, neither he had failed her but she somewhere failed him as a wife. She didn’t even try to tell him anything in her fears, she somewhere got selfish, selfish that she’ll lose him that she failed to understand his Love for her. She would have at least tried to tell him everything he would have supported her and even if he didn’t, at least she wouldn’t be having any regrets for hiding something so crucial from him.

Kyun khaboon pe tere saye hain

(why there are your shadow on my dreams)

Dil kyun hai tanha mera

(why my heart is so lonely)

Arnav stepped closer to her keeping his forehead on hers as he himself cried “I do trust you Khushi, I still do. I know you wouldn’t do something intentionally to hurt anyone but I can’t just forget what happened here today also. I really wish you would have trusted me also, to support you, to understand you but unfortunately you didn’t. And as much as I want I can’t forgive you for this, I just can’t.” with that, he suddenly got up and taking his clothes again he left for another room beside them from poolside. Khushi instantly followed him to stop him but he just closed the door on her face.

Kyun khamoshi hai zubaan meri

(why silence is my tone)

Ashkon se keh paoon na

(cant explain with my tears)

Arnav keeps his head on door hearing her knocking and asking him to open the door. Throwing his clothes away he fisted his hands on his sides trying his best to not open the door and take her into his arms to stop her from crying but he was way too much hurt today because of the two women who meant the world for him but both have disappointed him today. He has always tried to support them, loved them but they still didn’t trust him enough. One showed her did trust by not sharing her fears and pain so other thought that he is being selfish in his love to ignore his brotherly love for his sister.

Kyun dard hai itna 

(why there is so much pain)

Tere ishq mein

(in your love)

Khushi cried asking for his forgiveness as she keeps her forehead on the door, their hand touching each other with the door in between as they both slide down on the floor crying for themselves, yearning for each other, feeling the pain of being so near yet so far.

rabba ve...rabba ve


kyun dard hai itna 

(why there is so much pain)

tere ishq mein

(in your love)

rabba ve...rabba ve...

To be continued………..

Note: Those who thinks, Arnav is being absurd or jerk because he is ignoring Khushi after supporting her then sorry guys I don't find him wrong, he is too much hurt. He is completely right in his place, it is not necessary to declare him jerk also.

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