Part 40 (B)

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Dedicated to my dear Kiddo_Star again. Here you go baby 😘


"You sleep now. You need rest." He was going to get up when she held him back "I won't get any rest till I know what did you mean. So start! What do you want to tell me? Explain me?" Arnav looked down and then with a sigh faced her "It all started the night I returned back late and was asking you, why you did that? He was lying? You shouldn't have done etc. Actually that night I met Shyam and...." He told her everything what Shyam said to him and the expression of horror he saw on her face, he wanted to take his words back instantly but he knew he don't have any other way now. He have to tell her everything so they can end it for once and all.


"So you started maintaining distance from me because you felt disgusted with me after Shyam told you that I slept with him?" Khushi asked in emotionless voice.

"No" Arnav almost screamed in horror "Never think in this way Khushi, my love isn't this weak." He gulped looking down before speaking further "Yes, I was disgusted but not because of you but myself. I felt useless Khushi, so much was happening under my nose, in my house but I was living in my own bliss."

He gets up from the bed walking towards French doors and leaning on it he looked at her again "I felt like I was unable to protect two most important persons of my life. Neither my mother like sister nor my wife, whom I vowed to protect and keep happy."

"I wanted to destroy everything and kill myself but I couldn't because I realized that now I have to be more careful and protect my loved ones. I started maintaining distance from you because I felt useless that I was unable to understand your plight when you were suffering silently, I should have tried to dig more to know the reason bout your sudden changed behavior from the night of marriage but I was may be too happy and contended in the bliss of getting my love for forever."

Khushi looked at him silently as tears flowed from her eyes freely, she wanted to deny, to console him that he is not useless, it was her fault that she choose to hide everything from him but his words about their unborn stopped her, if he was ready to forget what Shyam said about them then why they have reached here today?

She heard him as he continued again "But the night you fainted I just couldn't take it anymore. Nothing was important to me more then you and after the inner fight with myself I decided whatever happened I can't change it but I can't see you suffering anymore that too because of me. Therefore I asked for sometime from you but when you I found you hurt again when you went to meet Di, I was really angry."

"That moment when I receive call from doctor and heard the news of us going to become parents soon, I was ecstatic. I wanted nothing more than to keep you and our baby safe that's why when you told me about detective I turned angry I didn't want you to walk into more danger yourself. After that day I met the detective who was helping you and we got to know the more dark side of Shyam Manohar Jha."

Khushi felt her heart thudding with fear and she knew whatever she is going to hear next won't be good. "Shyam Manohar Jha was involved in almost all types of illegal activities, his greed for money and power had turned him blind long ago. He have to kill Di many times, your Babu ji (Shahi) got paralyzed because of him when he tried to kill him."

Khushi shivered as she embraced herself in fear "He stopped planning about killing Di and her baby when he realized according to my will they hold great amount of my property and of anything happens to them their share will be transferred to orphanage. But what made me scared when he planned your accident."

Khushi gasped in shock as her eyes went wide "My... My accident? " Arnav instantly walked closer to her and sat beside her, giving her the glass of water. "You still want me to continue? " he asked after she gulped few sips of water and sat there looking at nothing in particular and she nodded slowly.

"His obsession for you is too dangerous Khushi, when he found out about your pregnancy he went mad.  He wanted to kill our unborn therefore he planned a small accident of yours in a way that it doesn't affect your life but baby.  He have planned it all, even if baby could have been saved, he have made all arrangements for abortion after accident which they can show as miscarriage."

Khushi gasped as her hold tightened around her abdomen and she started shivering. Arnav embraced her in his arms instantly, rubbing her body with his palms to calm her, therefore he didn't want to tell her anything and make her worried but today situations pushed him to tell her everything.

Actually sometime ago Aman brought a lady who needed job desperately for her grandson and herself as her son and daughter-in-law died in a accident. First I was thinking to hire her your help so she can take care of you in this condition but after meeting with detective I thought to plot her around Di as she is alone and her safety can't be trusted around Shyam, also she needed someone elder around her in this condition.

Few days ago she called me and she was being hysterical with fear. When she have gone to meet Di like everyday she heard Shyam talking on phone and giving instructions for the accident. I was scared to death because after knowing everything about him, I knew the danger he is. 

"Khushi,  the detective you hired have told me many things which was enough to increase my fear. Khushi, please don't panic more it's not good for your health. If you think you can take it more only then I'll continue otherwise I think it's enough for tonight,  you need rest." He asks softly caressing her cheeks as her head was resting on his chest.  Khushi nodded in No and gripped his shirt to stop him from moving, she want to hear everything.

Arnav sighed, he really don't want to continue, it's not good for her to take this much stress in this state. "Khushi,  Shyam is behind your Babu ji's condition" He stopped as Khushi looked up at him instantly in shock.

Arnav nodded and hugged her "Yes Khushi, your father found out about his true colors therefore he tried to kill him but fortunately he was saved." Khushi cried clutching him more "All because of me! He tried to kill Babu ji because of me. I...." She started shivering badly and Arnav tried to calm her,  he made her lie down with him and covered her more with blanket.

After few minutes her cries died down and Arnav was trying to make her sleep when she whispers "What happened then? " Arnav closed his eyes in frustration and was going to deny when she asked again "Please I want to know everything. I can't do it anymore. Thinking about what? How? When? all the time. "

Arnav gulped painfully and continued "He even tried to kill Di many times but fortunately nothing happened to her. He is still bearing Di and her child because he know they hold major part of my property and if anything happened to them it'll go to trust. But this trick didn't worked with you,  even after I named most of my properties and shares on yours and baby's name, his obsession wasn't looking beyond anything but you and to accept that you're bearing my child wasn't going well with him."

"That day when that lady informed me about his plans,  I planned to meet him and see if I can do anything to stop him from taking any drastic steps for sometime because not everytime someone will be there to inform what is he planning."

To be continued......

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