Part 27

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Today, in early morning Shyam have returned from his trip and Arnav sighed tonight he'll talk with him and clear everything after returning from office. Though he is sure there is nothing serious, Jija ji will also say that he is supporting Di because of her pregnancy but something inside him is continuously nagging him.

Like this day wouldn't go in the way he is thinking, there is some weird type of fear he is feeling inside him. He so want to leave everything and go straight to Jija ji and clear this mess, this restlessness which Di's words has created inside him but he know he can't rush. Jija ji have just returned and so he should just let him take rest and till then complete his office work.

Therefore he had his breakfast and left for office but not before feeling the sudden change in Khushi beside him who suddenly looked lost and scared after many days like earlier. He frowned as this just increased his restlessness some more.


He was looking at his laptop sitting in his cabin as Akash explained him something about the project they're working but he was hardly listening. After sometime Akash looked at him with a frown as he didn't get any reply, he called him but got no response. Akash walked towards Arnav and looked at him in surprise, he looked completely lost, laptop is open but screen is blank so what the hell he is doing from so long?

Akash (shaking him): Bhai!
Arnav: huh?
Akash: What happened bhai?
Arnav (composing himself): ummm... nothing. It's just nothing!

Akash: Bhai you were so lost that you have no idea what's happening around you and you say nothing?
Arnav: Yes Akash I was just thinking about something!
Akash: Really? Please bhai tell me if there is some problem?
Arnav: There's no problem Akash. I am fine!

Akash: Doesn't seem like that! I hope your sugar levels are fine? Have you taken your medicines in morning?
Arnav (smiling a little): Yea I did! Do you think Khushi would let me even move without it?
Akash (chuckles): Ok so now I got the matter! You're lost in Khushi ji's thoughts.... He winked at him making him smile.
Arnav: There is nothing like that, I was just wondering about something.

Akash: Ok ok jokes apart, I seriously think you need rest. You should go back to home, and important work is dome already, there's nothing important which can't be postponed.

Arnav: I guess that'll be fine, just ask Aman to reschedule other work and yea send me a black coffee. I will leave after sometime. Akash nodded and left leaving him with his thoughts again, he looked at time before closing his eyes and rested his head on chair behind him.

Arnav's eyes opened with the sound of knock in his door and he looked around disoriented before realizing that he fell asleep in his office. Cursing under his breath he muttered a come in as peon brought his black coffee, telling a quick thank you he took the coffee instantly very much in need of it completely missing the look of shock on peon's face who was looking at him with open mouth hearing him say thank you instead of shouting.

Arnav (sipping his coffee): What?
Peon: Nothing sir! He stammered and left hurriedly almost tripping.
After quickly finishing his coffee and collected his stuff and left the office early today. He needs to clear this mess before it messes his whole mind and peace.

After parking his car he started walking inside the Raizada Mansion thinking how to start talking about this topic with Jija ji, when his steps suddenly halted and his expression changes hearing the voices from inside which seemed like someone is shouting and crying.

Forgetting everything he almost ran inside only to stood still on the doorstep as he looked at the scene in front of him frozen.


His Di just slapped Khushi who was crying badly, he looked with wide eyes as Di started shaking Khushi and her expressions full of anger and disgust.

Anjali: I never knew you could stoop so low Khushi. I regret the day I thought you're perfect for my chotte. It's my fault I should have thrown you out the day I got to know about your true colors but I stayed quiet for chotte and kept ignoring your advances but you have turned so shameless that now you're seducing my husband openly?

Arnav looked aghast as his eyes widened some more hearing this, he looked for Shyam and found him standing behind Di with sad expressions without trying to stop Di and say that she is misunderstanding.

Khushi shakes her head in No as she tried to say something but Anjali stopped her.

Anjali: I don't want to hear any lies. Don't try to fool me, I have seen everything from my own eyes. You're nothing but a bi**h.

Anjali: Get out from my house before I myself throw you out!

Khushi: No! At least let Arnav ji come, I wouldn't leave before telling him everything.

He sucked in some air as he started breathing which he himself don't know he was holding as he realized what is happening "It's not some bad dream but reality."

Anjali: Why? So you can feed him with your lies and stories? He wouldn't listen to you once he comes to know about what happened here and what I have been witnessing in this house.

Khushi: It doesn't matter but I wouldn't leave before he comes back.


Everyone looked towards the source of voice to see Arnav standing on doorstep looking at them, his shoulders slumped down and eyes glassy. Anjali smiled looking at him through tears as she rushed into his arms and Khushi looked down after glancing at him once.

To be continued...................

p.s. I actually don't know what and how I have written. I was writing this update when my mind was on my college project. Arghhhhh not really happy with update, as I don't think it came out as I wanted. Do share your views and let me know if there is any mistakes.

Precap: What do you think will happen?
Really twist is now here ;)

Drabble: Fragile Hearts ||COMPLETED|| #IAAWhere stories live. Discover now