Part 14 [Maha-update]

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When Khushi walked out of washroom, she found Arnav in trousers who looked at her with smile. Arnav chuckled looking at her, she was trying to pull kurta up from shoulders as it was still little loose, the kurta is actually very large for her little frame, she was fully covered, only her ankles and little bit of her legs are visible as she looked down at her feet embarrassed.

Walking close to nervously standing Khushi, Arnav pulled her to himself from her waist making her breath hitch but she continued to look down in shyness. Keeping his finger under her chin, he lifted her face up , he asked her to look at him. Slowly she lifted her eyelashes to look into his warm eyes shining with Love.

Arnav: You know you don’t need to feel so nervous and scared. You’re not standing here with some strangers but your husband.  And nor we had some typical arranged marriage but Love. Yea I know it was so sudden but that’s what you wanted, right? Khushi nodded looking down again.

Arnav: I have told you to think again and not to rush but you wanted it to happen like that not that I mind. Having  you by my side, in my room , close to me, is what I wanted. But still realizing how everything was rushed, I have given you the right to decide the pace of this relation.

Arnav: Look Khushi! You know how bad I am with these relations and feelings. I have given you the rein of this relation to decide what you feel best and I’ll support you in that because I don’t believe myself in handing these emotions.

Khushi: Arnav ji…

Arnav: shhhh……

Arnav: All I want is you to feel comfortable around me, now we’ll be staying here together in one room, sharing everything and if you’ll behave all the time so nervous and scared it’ll make things complicated. I am not forcing you to do something you are not comfortable with, you just have to trust me completely and relax. Ok?

Khushi nodded feeling relaxed as she kept her head on his shoulder, his love for for her is making her scared and relax at the same time.

Where at one side she is scared of his reaction when he’ll know the truth, so on other side relaxed with his love and understanding for her and this relation.

She gasped when Arnav picked her up in his arms and looked at his surprised.

Khushi: Arnav ji!

Arnav: What? I am not doing it for first time, he smirked making her blush.

Arnav lowered her on bed and walking around himself settled on other side to look at Khushi who was looking at him with her big eyes.

Arnav: What? Don’t expect me to sleep on recliner or floor, nor I would let you, we can sleep on same bed at least.

Khushi: No… no..

Arnav: What? You don’t want me to sleep here?

Khushi: I didn’t mean that, I was just…. She stammered.

Arnav(laughing): ok ok! I got it. Sleep you’ll soon get habituate of me sleeping beside you. Both smiled as they remembered the new year’s eve when they both slept beside each other to hide from Buaji.

Arnav: in fact this is not the reason you were almost crying earlier that from now on you’ll have to sleep alone without having Payal beside you?
Look your Devi Maiyya solved your problem and I am sleeping beside you, now you’ll feel more safer with me then Payal and you can hug me as tightly as you want, I don’t have any problem.

Khushi smiled looking his shining eyes, making Arnav sigh in relief as he covered them with duvet. Both were lying awake looking at ceiling many thoughts running in mind. Excitement, desires, love everything was between them and this new relation between them making everything more excited at the same time awkward, how everything changed in the matter of few hours. Their love confession, her insecurities, her condition, his anger and then the sudden marriage.

Both were stealing glances of each other from the corner of their eyes as sleep was far away from them, for Khushi she is happy that Arnav understood her and gave her time for intimacy but at the same time she felt sad she have never imagined her wedding night to be like that, she wanted him to love her but like he said the suddenness of this marriage made it awkward. She knew when he said they should give time to their feelings and understand each other before marriage but at that time all she wanted to push him away, she never imagined he would agree.

It’s not like she don’t trust him to take this relation forward, but it’s just that she don’t trust herself , she just needs sometime to make herself believe all this is real, she needs sometime to believe this is real, she have his love, she have her Arnav ji beside her for all her life, to believe her dreams has become a reality.

She turned to look at him and started to talk, he’s right feeling scared and awkward wouldn’t help.

Khushi: Arnav ji!

Arnav: Hmm.. he said now himself turning to face her.

Khushi: you’re really not angry with me na? that I demanded this sudden marriage.

Arnav(sighed): To tell you the truth Khushi, I was beyond angry when you said all those thing but then I felt that may be your insecurities are right on your part and idea of marriage didn’t scare me much as much as losing you scared me. And now after everything and having you beside me, just makes me think it was one of the best decisions of my life. So no, I am not angry with you. He said keeping his palm above her which she have kept between them.

Khushi smiled and biting her lips between her teeth looks down to control her sob, how can she tell him saying those words wasn’t her mistrust on him but her urge to push him away.

Arnav looked at her biting her lips and groaned as his eyes darkened. “F**K”
“Khushi would you mind if I do something I have been wishing to do from a long time.”

Khushi: huh what? She looked at him confused.

And before she can understand Arnav was towering upon her, removing her wayward strands from her face and looked into his wide eyes with warm eyes now shining with something else “desire” and she shuddered with the feeling.

Arnav(caressing the corner of her lips): This I was dreaming to do from many nights, and I don’t think there could be more right time to do this then our wedding night. He looked into her eyes for any denial but as she closed her eyes in surrender , leaving any damn thought he closed the distance between their lips and kissed her. A slow and desirous kiss, giving time to both her lips, his tongue dived inside her mouth, to do wonders with that little mouth of her as they both got lost  in that breathtaking kiss, Khushi felt like she’ll faint with the overwhelming emotions, this was her first kiss after all.

Aranv almost crushed her in his arms making her moan in his mouth as passion surfaced, leaving her mouth for breathe, he looked at her face which has now turned red when a tear rolled down from the corner of her eyes.

Arnav: Khushi… he asked panicked.

Khushi: I love you!

She said with still closed eyes making him sigh and kiss at the corner of her eyes and buried his face in the crook of her neck.

Arnav: I love you!

To be continued…………..

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