Part 30

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He looked at shock faces of his family and felt bad but only he knows how he have told what he just did when Anjali have always meant world for him. But now Khushi is also an integral part of this world and he can’t leave her alone either. So holding Khushi’s hand he left upstairs leaving it on Anjali to decide what she wants.

Khushi looked at Arnav’s back, after entering inside their room he left her hand and left for poolside closing the sliding door behind him. She badly wanted to go behind him and ask for forgiveness for hiding about Shyam and also thank him for standing up for him but sadly she have no courage to face him now. Above all she knows he is badly hurt because of Anjali Di’s decision and words and it must have been very difficult for him to go against his Di but he have to do this because of her today.

Arnav looked at the dark sky, today he is close to loose his mother again. He didn’t even try to wipe his tears Anjali has been a mother figure in his life from always and after the demise of their mother. Now if his Di decided to leave him he’ll again lose his mother but what could he possibly do he badly wanted to support Anjali, console her and stop her from even thinking about going away but one look at Khushi’s face and he knew he can’t leave her alone either. She was looking so broken and eager to prove her innocence, so scared about his answer like her whole life depends on it, like his one answer can prove the questions raised on her character right or wrong.

He sighed wiping his tears when his phone beeped indicating a new message. He frowned looking at Akash’s name and opened it “Bhai! Di is leaving.” His eyes widened and he instantly walked outside with a confused and nervous Khushi following him. He stopped not walking downstairs and clutched the railing helplessly looking at his family trying to stop Anjali and make her understand in fact now even tht bastard husband of hers but she is not ready to hear anything.

Shyam cursed himself for even saying about leaving the house, he thought Arnav would never let his sister go away. In fact he have expected him to leave Khushi the moment he will see his sister’s tears but the plan backfired. He really thought that the family wouldn’t let them leave but Arnav again surprised him telling Anjali that she can leave if she wants. In room while Anjali was packing he tried his best to make her stop telling how he don’t want her to go away from her family and chotte and blab la but suddenly the self respect of this women have been awaken and she decided to not stay where her husband is insulted.

Mami: Anjali my dear please stop, don’t take Arnav’s word on heart. You know how much he loves you.

Anjali: That he have proved by choosing his wife over me Mami. Now when he have decided to support his wife then I think it’s good if I also stand for my husband and his respect.

Nani: I don’t understand why are you not ready to understand others POV, it’s possible that may be this all is a misunderstanding. But no you don’t want to hear anything and just dropped the bomb on Arnav to choose between you and Khushi. 

Anjali: there I no misunderstanding and I have already told this but Chotte (Arnav) didn’t hear me and went on standing on his wife’s side. And Nani, you also told me that now I don’t have right on this house.

Nani: I never said that! I just told what is truth and now Khushi and Payal holds equal rights on this house which you need to accept.

Anjali: Yea right everyone is saying truth and supporting right even without witnessing and knowing everything whereas I am the only wrong here even after saying that I have witnessed everything.

Shyam: Rani Sahiba! Think again, I know you can’t stay away from Arnav, yes I know today you are badly hurt because of him but I guess Nani ji is right, it must have been too much for him to take.

Anjali: You are very good Shyam ji , you are still thinking about us but I don’t think I can take what happened here today. We should leave now.

Nani: But ….. interrupted by Arnav.

Arnav: Let her go Nani.

Everyone turned to look at Arnav who was now walking downstairs and stopped few steps away from where all are standing. “We have done this mistake earlier by forcing Di to stay with us rather then her husband’s place and I think it’s high time we stop interfering.”

Nani: “But I know you don’t want it yourself” she cried.

Arnav (smiling painfully): It doesn’t matter! It doesn’t matter when the sister whom I have always considered as my mother is ready to turn her back on me just because I decided to support my wife. It doesn’t matter when she have clearly forgot that throughout this life after mother’s death I have only lived for her, thinking about her comfort, her happiness but she can only see her husband. It doesn’t matter when she is not ready to trust my judgment, my belief even when she knows I can never deliberately think of hurting her. Therefore if she thinks moving out with her husband is best decision for her then who are we to stop when I have always thought about her happiness and granted her every wish then let her do this also. 

Anjali wiped her tears and looked at him, she looked at everyone when her eyes fell on Khushi and her fears and insecurities returned. So ignoring Nani’s helpless look and Mami’s request to stop she turned and taking Shyam’s hand left with him. Looking at everything from above Khushi whimpered feeling the pain behind those words said by Arnav, she knew it was his last try to indirectly stop Anjali but she failed him. 

Arnav took his car keys and instantly left for a drive and slowly everyone disappeared into their rooms, sad over the turn of events and departure of their beloved daughter. No one noticed her standing and crying behind the pillar except Payal and she instantly hugged her sister thanking her for her support. 

Payal took her inside the room and made her sit before handling her water to drink. Khushi kept crying blaming herself for everything even after Payal tried hard to make her understand that it wasn’t her fault. But Arnav’s broken face and pain in his voice coming back to her again and again making her fragile heart feel guilty. Payal herself cried caressing her little sister to sleep and then left the room, closing the door behind her.

Somewhere in middle of night screeching of tires broke Khushi’s sleep and she realized that Arnav is back. Sighing in relief she composed herself and walked outside unknown of what is awaiting for her. Unknown that her fragile hearts have to bear the more pain of distance and ignorance.

To be continued…………….

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