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Khushi buries her fingers in his hairs as his lips touched hers but they disappeared even before she can completely feel them. She frowned looking at Arnav who was gazing down at her, caressing her cheeks softly, he smiles and kissed her again but again that feather like kiss.

Arnav was teasing her and understanding the same her frown deepened and she sighed before pulling his head down towards her and deepened the kiss making Arnav chuckle "Too impatient, wifey?"

Khushi turned red in embarrassment and biting on her lower lip she looked down but his hand moved from her cheeks to chin, urging her to look at him and kissed on her lips, so softly.

"You know what this shyness of yours still surprises me as well make me more possessive for you but my Love, you don't have to be so shy to ask for me because I with every part of mine belongs to you. Also, these lips" he whispers between numerous kisses he was giving her "and this body only belongs to you."

Next moment Khushi was hiding her face in his chest making him laugh softly at her cuteness as he hugged her back softly. "I am hungry" She whispered abruptly.

"So am I. So shall we continue?" He whispered back mischievously.

As expected she spanked him on his bare back in answer "I need food, the baby needs food." She whispered back furiously making him laugh loudly before he kissed her again and this time a deep and toe-curling kiss before getting up from the bed.

Her mood swings these days are at peak, she suddenly feels horny, hungry, and what not but the most confusing thing is when she gets all desperate for him because one moment she will crave all of him but due to her shy nature for intimacy feels unable to voice it and if she acts out of nature in weak moments than she will go all shy and fragile like a innocent kid.

Now it's routine and he is enjoying this phase, teasing her, making her crave for him more and more. He really wants her to come out of her hesitancy like he said he belongs to her only just like she belongs to him so why this nervousness for demanding his attention, his presence beside her whenever she wants, she have all the rights.

Arnav walks downstairs to grab something for Khushi to eat till she completes her morning routine and looks at the hustle bustle in the house before walking straightly to the kitchen. Anjali, Payal and Mami was busy working in kitchen and no, it wasn't the usual routine of house but today is Khushi's godbharai in evening therefore all are super busy in preparations.

Anjali sets breakfast for both Khushi and him and gives in to Arnav but not before teasing him after looking at the lipstick mark on his neck. He smiles walking back to their room, everything is falling back to it's place. Finally Anjali and Khushi are more like friends now just like before in fact, now their relation has strengthened more with understanding and trust.

Anjali was again going into depression thinking that something is wrong in her fate and also due to her limp she don't desrve anything but Khushi helped her in understanding that it's not her fault. She don't need any manly figure in her life just for name sake or to show society that her life is perfect. She can do muvh more in her life and face the world confidently, she have to do it now especially for her daughter. It took her sometime but Anjali finally got the point, she kept her wish in front of Arnav to stand on her own feet. She don't want to fail as a mother also, she don't want her daughter to have her impression of weak and useless mother.

Though if it was earlier Arnav would have straightaway denied but the situations they had to go through and now both Khushi and Anjali are learning tricks of business from Arnav at home. It is now their routine that everyday Arnav teaches them about business after dinner and sometimes Payal also joins them. Anjali will join AR officially after her daughter turns 1 year old whereas Khushi and Payal are learning because after their course, they'll be also starting up with their restaurant soon.

Drabble: Fragile Hearts ||COMPLETED|| #IAAWhere stories live. Discover now