Part 18

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Khushi entered inside the room but frowned upon not finding Arnav there, she remembers how when Anjali Di have asked downstairs after Payal’s gift that what he got for her and Laad Governer he is, without a word just walked away from there muttering a ‘good night everyone.’

She moves to poolside looking for him and as expected there he is sitting on recliner with his back to her and gazing at stars. She walks towards him with slow steps and sat beside him.

Khushi: Arnav ji!

Arnav: Remember Khushi, the night you told me that our parents resides in these stars, looking at us? I don’t know though I never wanted to believe in this type of things but the child inside me just grasped that little information with his heart and wanted to believe it. So from that day I also started believing that there resides our parents in those stars and it used to give me a sudden piece, a calmness leaving all the day to day problems at back as I started to sit and talk to mumma at nights. Khushi keeps her palm above his which was on his thigh and rested her head on his shoulder.

Arnav: I never shared these things with Di , though she is like a mother figure to me but I know she is too fragile. I have always felt her elder brother when it comes to responsibilities, so I always tried to keep her away from any pain or difficulties. After her marriage called off and our parents died she was broken and from the time I always tried to make her feel that she wouldn’t lose anything and I’ll take care of it.

Slowly she started recovering and continued her studies when Nani brought us home and then like a elder sister she gave me all the affection she could and we became each other’s support. But I never talked openly about our parents to her, how much I miss them because I know she is still vulnerable from inside.

Arnav(now looking at her): but then you came in my life, falling into my arms, he chuckles. You know from that moments when you were in my arms with those quivering lips, I wanted to kiss you senseless , khushi blushed burying herself in his arms.

Arnav: and that thought made me shocked, I never wanted anyone to enter in my life as when I consider someone as mine , I fear to lose them arouse in me and being the fearless being I was I don’t wanted to feel scared about losing anyone. After mumma’s death I have always considered ‘Love as a weakness’ and I don’t wanted to feel weak. I tried to fight with my emotions and always end up hurting you but then again you were as stubborn as me and instead on going away you emerged to fight back.

And then I had to lose this time, I have to accept that I am finally defeated and ironically I don’t feel bad about it , in fact I feel I have won whole world after having you ‘as mine’.

Khushi: That’s the beauty of love Arnav ji, we win in this after losing ourselves to someone. And it’s in our thinking Love can be your weakness and strength both, it’s up to you what you want to make it.

Arnav: I understand it now, Di has always been the only one I loved the most after mumma but she is my weakness also, she can make me do anything and I can do anything for her but still the love I feel for you’re the feeling I feel having you beside me makes me feel more powerful.

Khushi (smiles): But this power of love also comes with certain weakness, when we love someone we fear to lose them, we feel scared to see them hurt, a scratch on our loved one gives us pain. Just like now I fear!

Arnav: Khushi!

Khushi: I fear what if someday I lose you, I have to go away from you.
Arnav: Never! I’ll never let that happen.

Arnav: You’re right. When we love someone we fear to lose them, scared to see them hurt or in pain but at the same time that fear gives us strength, strength to protect them , to keep any type of pain away from him.

Khushi: what if we have to hide something from the person we love just to keep them happy, just to see them smiling and living happily.

Arnav: depends on situation. If you feel it’s best to hide you can but you should unravel that something if you feel it is important for the person to know  because sometimes these secrets creates a huge mess.

Khushi: Arnav ji …. I ….

Arnav: Ok now enough of these emotional talks, my fault I started. Don’t you want to see your gift for that delicious food?

Khushi: Yes, but Arnav ji I…..

Arnav: shhhhh… he brings a box from his side and keeps on her palm. ‘Here’s your gift’.

Khushi looks at him desperately she have finally made the mind to tell him everything but looks like Devi Maiyya wants something else. Looking at his smiling and eager face, she smiled and opened the box to see the most beautiful diamond necklace.
Arnav’s gift:

Khushi: It’s beautiful!

Arnav: and it’ll look more beautiful when you’ll wear it, saying this he picked the necklace from the box and made her to turn back. He slide the necklace on her neck and turned her to face him.

Arnav: Didn’t I say, it’ll look more beautiful on you. Come! He brought her in front of mirror in their room and stood there hugging her from behind so she can also look at herself.

Khushi caressed the diamonds of the necklace, admiring the beautiful piece and smiled thanking him. Arnav smiled and shifted her hairs to her left shoulder, looking at her in the mirror he kissed on her right shoulder making her close her eyes and moved to string of the necklace, kissing just below her ear he removed the necklace and keeping it aside turned her towards him.

Looking at her closed eyes he smiled and carrying her in his arms move towards bed, laying down he kissed her on her mouth and she reciprocated with equal fervor. Out of breath both parted and Arnav kissed her on her forehead and laid down on his back. Khushi looked at him from side, she didn’t want him to part away, she wanted him to make her his but seems like he is honest with what he said, he’s giving her time keeping his own desires at bay.

Arnav pulled her in his arms and she snuggled in his chest as he muttered ‘sleep’ in his husky voice making her fall asleep instantly.

To be continued………………

*This story is not too long, it’ll end around 30 parts*

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