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Three years later

"Keep those flowers there."

"These flower strings are coming in way, hang them properly."

"Someone please go and check if Anjali Di is ready."

Khushi keeps instructing all the workers while going through all the arrangements one last time. "Everything is completely perfect, my love." Arnav speaks from behind and comes to stand beside her with a plate of snacks. "You haven't had anything from hours, now take a break and have something." Khushi looked at him and frowned "But these arrangements." Arnav pointed at the servants and workers and then looked at her "They're paid to do this work. If you have do everything than what's the use? So just sit and eat something and if you want you can keep eye on them also." And this time when Khushi opened her mouth to speak he stuffed her mouth with food.

Khushi sighed while smiling at him "I am so happy. Everything is falling back to it's place and for good." She confessed and Arnav nodded "I can't believe Di actually agreed for this marriage." Khushi looked at him " I hope you're not planning something, again." Arnav chuckles and nodded in no "No! I was just worried and I didn't want to take any type of risk this time. It was kind of test which Karan passed and now I have no problem in giving my sister's hand to him."

Khushi smiled and hugged him from side as they looked at all the decorations. Two years ago, Anjali joined the office and learnt everything quickly and she was already getting training from Arnav in home. Around a year ago, when Arnav and Khushi were spending their holidays in London along with their baby, Anjali met Karan who was there in Delhi for a business meeting with AR. He is the same guy to whom Anjali was meant to get married but due to circumstance didn't. He apologized for not standing beside her in that bad times but truth was he was himself a 19 year old under the influence and pressure of his parents so they had nothing to hold against him. They forgave him and carried on with deal, while working together Anjali came to know how he never got married and stays away from his family in an apartment.

He himself confessed that after marriage was called off and he got to know that Anjali is moved away he felt guilty for whatever his family did. He soon realized that he have actually fallen for Anjali but he was too late and when he came to know about where she is and came to meet her after standing on his own feet, Anjali was already married. So he went away without meeting them.

When the deal between their companies was almost close to it's end Karan proposed Anjali, he wanted to have Anjali and her daughter in his life but Anjali denied. Arnav also supported her but before he can do any harm to Karan, Khushi stopped him. Slowly Khushi convinced Arnav and they did all the enquiries required but found everything clean about him. So family started convincing Anjali along with Karan himself in their own ways and finally a month ago Anjali agreed.

Everyone in family is elated, Karan also decided to shift in Delhi permanently and recently bought house 10 minutes away from Shantivan. Neither Karan nor Anjali agreed to stay in Shantivan so this time no one forced them.


Arnav was standing near the mandap holding his son in his arms as he tried to keep him distracted, so his mother can get ready. Yes, Khushi gave birth to a baby boy whom they named as "Ansh", their Ansh. He is pampered by whole family but at the end he is completely Mumma's boy. Though Arnav can handle him if Khushi isn't around but not for long.

Khushi and Payal are handling their Restaurant very well, in fact they have recently opened a new branch and are planning to upgrade the first branch with Hotel. Ansh have recently joined the playschool but after that he either comes to Khushi or Arnav. So a separate nursery has been made for Ansh in AR and Khushi's restaurant also.

Hearing the murmurs around him, Arnav turned around only to be left stunned. There she is, descending the stairs with his sister who was herself looking beautiful in bridal dress but his eyes stopped on her who was looking exquisite in green lehanga. Feeling someone slapping his cheek he almost glared at his son for interrupting his admiring session but he was already bouncing looking at Khushi. He sighed and walked towards his wife and sister, Ansh instantly goes in khushi's arms and Anjali's daughter twirled in front of him, showing her lehanga. Khushi and Arnav helped Anjali to sit beside Karn in Mandap who was already admiring his soon to be wife and then taking steps back, they stand beside each other.

"Have I told you, you're looking ethereal?" Arnav whispered in Khushi's ears. "No, but your eyes did. In fact they are speaking much more then that." She whispered back while playing with Ansh. "Damn! You read me so well, my love. You're looking pre seductress and all I want is to take yo...." Khushi's eyes widened and she turned to glare at him "At least look around before speaking. We are standing admist of so many people and our son in my arms." Arnav looked around and chuckles "So what? I am talking to my wife. It's not like they don't make love to their wives." Khushi looked at him warningly this time and he shuts his mouth instantly.

"Where is Payal and Akash?" Arnav asked looking around as Nani, Mami and Mama ji was standing together along with Gupta's but there was no sign of couple. "We are here, Bhai." They looked on as Akash walked forward, holding a heavily pregnant Payal beside him. They stands together as the marriage rituals starts and this time instead of any elders Anjali requested Arnav and Khushi to do her Kanyadaan. Soon all the rituals were completed and the couple started taking blessings from everyone.

The three couples sits together to have their meal after the tiring but happy day and the banter started, teasing each other, laughing at and with each other. Devyani Raizada looked at them with happy tears as she admired them along with her Son and Daugher-in-law. Shantivan couldn't look more happier, finally all the clouds of bad past and evil are gone from their lives. Finally her children are settled in their lives happily and have got the best partners to support each other.

She looked at the photo of her daughter and smiled in satisfaction, knowing wherever her daughter is, today she will be in peace to see her children settled and happy. Ups and Down are part of life but now they all are ready to face them and still smile. Their fragile hearts are now bonded with Love and trust which is most important in any relationship.

Arnav looked at Khushi admiringly as they continued to play some silly games, she was jumping and laughing like some carefree child. When she was walking down from the stairs in that green lehanga, all he was thinking about their first meeting. How she was dressed in same color, how his heart start beating after years the moment she fell into his rams but in his anger the ASR pushed her away not knowing that one day she'll become the reason his breath. One day she'll break all the walls around him and settle in his heart. She'll be the one to mend his broken, fragile heart and teach it love again.

Khushi looked at Arnav who was admiring her and leaned on his shoulder, she looked at their son who was sleeping in his arms and smiled in satisfaction. "Finally she have everything she always carved for. Not a fairytale love story, but a true and forever one. A partner who always understands and supports her, who loves her madly and passionately. She smiled thinking about their journey, how the same man she used to consider as monster turned into her prince."

The End.

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