Part 36

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Arnav shouted back himself frustrated with her stupidity, there is limit of being selfless and right now he can’t let her act more stupid.

“What?” Khushi whispered.

Arnav calmed down looking at her expressions and speaks in low voice “Yes before you woke up, I received call from doctor ‘You are Pregnant”.


Arnav cursed himself, he didn’t want to know her in this way but this woman always makes him do unpredictable. Taking deep breaths by looking at her shocked face he sat beside her and tenderly cupped her cheeks making her look at him. “Yes Khushi, we are going to be parents.”

He panicked as tears rolled down from her eyes “I am pregnant? I am going to be a mother?” she asked still  stunned with revelation. Arnav nodded wiping her tears in concern “Yes! But why are you crying? Wait! You don’t want baby now?” Khushi shakes her head with wide eyes but Arnav thinks otherwise “Ohh I understand! Khushi if you don’t want this baby so soon, frankly even I wasn’t expecting this but I don’t think ….. cut it ….. umm if you still don’t want this child right now then I understand and…..” interrupted by Khushi.

“What nonsense are you speaking Arnav ji?” She speaks looking at him shocked “I accept I hide few things from you but you still saw beyond my words and understood what I actually want just from my expression, even at the time when you proposed and I denied because I wanted to go away far away because of Shyam. And now you can’t differentiate that my tears are of happiness or sadness? I was quiet because I was too stunned to react on this unexpected news and you thought I am sad because I don’t want our baby?”

Arnav looked at her in guilt before pulling her in his arms and rubbing her back “I am sorry may be you’re right I am not able to think properly these days. I am so sorry Khushi, instead of celebrating the news I hurt you.” Khushi whimpered in his arm, holding him tightly in return “Never think like this ever again, I know this came unexpected but remember I can never regret any moment and anything related to you. So this is our baby, how can I ever even think of not wanting our baby in my life? I know I have given you enough reason to not trust me but please don’t think this much worse about me.”

Arnav himself cried as he kissed on top of her head “I am sorry, I am really sorry Khushi.” He felt her nodding furiously in his arms so with a smile he pushed her little so he can look at her face and removing the hairs from her wet cheek he kissed on her forehead “I am so happy Khushi. I can’t explain you how happy and light I am feeling right now, I bet our baby will bring lots of happiness. Look how between all this chaos when it was looking like we have been surrounded by darkness, our baby made it appearance bringing so much happiness. I am sure our baby will be having your traits of making people around his/her happy.”

Khushi laughed in return and kissed on his cheek before hugging him “I am so happy Arnav ji, we are going to be parents. Very soon a new life will come in our life, our baby ‘Our First Baby Arnav ji’ I can’t wait to see everyone’s reaction especially Di her rajkumari will have another partner to….” She stopped as she felt Arnav go stiff and realized what she was speaking she looked above at him “Arnav ji  I …..” stopped by Arnav “Khushi one things I want to make clear and I don’t want you going against it, till now you did what you felt right even going against my words but now you have to be more careful. Now you’re not alone Khushi but with another life inside you and I don’t want you going and landing yourself in any type of danger for anyone and I mean it.”

Khushi nodded in understanding and Arnav continued “Your course will be completed soon till then either I’ll myself drop you and pick you or Driver will do that. And if there’s still any problem so you can continue to study from home, I will arrange home classes for you.” Khushi looks at him with a smile and and holds his hand “Arnav ji I really love your concern but I think I would like to attend my classes like always if anyday I felt any problem I will catch up online but you don’t need arrange everything at home, there are many women outside who go and do everything by herself even in her last month of pregnancy….” Interrupted by Arnav “ Don’t even think about any stupidity, I don’t know about other women but you and I can very well afford to give you every facility.”

Khushi smiles with a nod “I know but I don’t want my baby to turn too lazy with her mother just because his/her father don’t let her mother do anything.”. she teased and then added “I know Arnav ji you can afford it but I don’t want to sit and enjoy everything like a lazy person, I can’t do it.” Arnav nodded in understanding “But except classes you’re not allowed to do any work, just take care of yourself, you’re already week and I don’t want any complications now.”

Khushi nodded with a smile asked about family “I haven’t told anyone yet. They were here when doctor came but that time he just left taking blood for few tests, she informed me about the news sometime ago only and I was waiting for you to gain your conscious.” Arnav replied her as he made her drink some water and was going to get up when Arnav stopped her “Where are you going?” Khushi looked at him and smiled “Of course with you downstairs so we can inform family.”

Arnav pushed her softly on bed again “Doctor have given you injection and have asked you to take complete rest for the day. So no you’re not moving anywhere, I’ll call family here only and also ask Hari Prakash to prepare something for you to eat.” Khushi pouted with a nod “It explains why my head feels heavy” Arnav looks at her in concern “Is it paining? Let me call and ask …” interrupted by khushi “Arnav ji it must be because of injection, you said na she asked me to take rest? Don’t worry and yes please ask HP to make something fast because I am really feeling hungry.”

Arnav nodded and getting up was going to leave when Khushi stopped him “But I can at least get up to use washroom?” Arnav smiled with a nod and Khushi removed duvet moving inside the washroom, Arnav kept standing there to see if she sways or something because of weakness but when she didn’t he left downstairs to call everyone and ask HP to prepare something Khushi likes.”

When informed family members were really happy, but still Manorma brought Anjali’s topic concern how she must be living all alone in this condition repeating Khushi’s concern but Arnav made her shut. Payal took it upon herself to take care of Khushi from her food, medicines to driving with her to college if Arnav isn’t available.  Gupta’s was also informed who came by evening to congratulate Raizadas and meet their daughter.

Next Day Arnav met the detective and the revelations about Shyam shocked him more if possible, he have himself hired detectives but he asked them to stop after knowing Khushi have already took care of proofs. Both men discussed the dangers that Shyam can cause, even detective was really concerned about Khushi as she was of around same age as his daughter and really good at heart. After planning how and what steps they should take keeping Khushi and Anjali’s safety on top priorities now along with another life with them, detective left Arnav’s office and after thinking for sometime more Arnav called his lawyer inside.”

“Two can play together” Arnav thought.

To be continued…………………

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