Part 42

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"Well played Shyam Manohar Jha!" Arnav speaks bitterly and at the same time they both turned on the sound of anklets to see Khushi entering there on terrace

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"Well played Shyam Manohar Jha!" Arnav speaks bitterly and at the same time they both turned on the sound of anklets to see Khushi entering there on terrace. 

"I am leaving, now you guys can sort out the mess you have created yourself." Arnav said and walked outside leaving them alone.


"Khushi ji" Shyam smiled at her making her flinch but she kept herself composed "Finally you'll be free from this marriage and Saale Sahab. You don't know how much I have waited for this day, we'll go far away from here Khushi ji."

"I heard that!" Khushi speaks in composed tone making Shyam frown "What?"

Khushi looked at him with her now red eyes from crying and anger "You wanted to kill my father." Shyam looked at her taken aback as he stammered but soon composed himself "No!  Why would I want to kill your father? But didn't I tell you how much I love you again and again?  I can do anything for you so when he came to know about my marriage with Anjali, he was going to reveal it to everyone and snatch you from me. How can I let that happen so I had to do something to stop him."

Khushi wipes her tears looking at him with disgust "No!  You're wrong. You can't love anyone, you are too selfish and evil to even understand the purity of Love. The man who betrayed his wife who consider him as god,  the man who tried to kill that same woman, the man who was staying with her just because of her money,  the man who is so disgusting that even after the news of his baby coming into this world didn't mend his way, that man can't love."

Shyam looked at her angrily "Khushi ji,  stop your nonsense right now before I forget that how much I love you."

Khushi chuckles "Didn't I say don't take name of love from your disgusting mouth? You don't love me. Love is thinking about the happiness of the person you claim to love, keeping the person you love above everything, love is something which you do unconditionally like Anjali Di do for you but you."

She sighed before continuing "You always played your nasty games with all of our lives. You betrayed Anjali Di,  you betrayed my family, you tried to kill my father, kill Anjali Di, you didn't stop torturing me even after I got married to Arnav ji instead you played your evil game by filling ears of Anjali Di. That wasn't enough and Arnav ji supported me so you tried to create more misunderstandings between us, you went so low to make him believe that we had....." she hicupped unable to continue but taking long breath she looked at him again, her face showing only disgust for the man standing in front of her.

"You made him believe that the child I am carrying is yours so he should let me go and I am sure you aren't letting go of Anjali ji and baby so easily just for me when she was always a ticket of jackpot for you."

Shyam chuckles dryly "You know that's what I love about you,  yours this feistiness and spirit unlike that dumb Anjali. You are right, I have got what I wanted, so I don't to carry baggage of that Anjali and baby with me anymore. We'll go faraway and live a comfortable life now."

"And you think I'll come with a disgusting man who is also a criminal like you?" she questioned back sarcastically.

"You don't have choice Khushi ji, you'll come with me willingly or unwillingly." he holds her hands and started dragging her to the back door and Khushi was trying to pull her hand back from his painful hold when they were stopped abruptly.

Shyam turned back to see Khushi's another hand is held by Arnav who was looking at his hand which was holding Khushi's. "I am taking Khushi ji with me, we had a deal so let her go."

Shyam flinched as his hands left Khushi's on it's own looking at him, Arnav was looking at him with such a murderous gaze that he suddenly felt scared.  His eyes red and face rigid, his nerves can be seen with the way he clenched his teeths. Shyam stammered as he tried to speak something "I...  was.. I was just saying that I completed my part of deal and now..... " He was interrupted when Arnav held him by his collar abruptly "Enough of your crap, I have heard enough from you now not a word more."

Shyam gulped looking at him who in turn punched him hard on face, Arnav Singh Raizada looked like the old ASR at this moment but more dangerous after all a injured lion is more dangerous. He neither looks like her sister's calm Chotte nor Khushi's loving and caring Arnav ji. He looked just like his old self a dangerous and heartless man who can destroy anyone who dared to come in his way.

Ignoring his painful screams Arnav dragged him downstairs with himself and a crying Khushi followed. Shyam's eyes sparkled looking at Anjali who was looking at them with horror along with other family members in living room. Somehow pushing Arnav away he ran to Anjali "Rani Sahiba look what is he doing, he almost begged us to return back first and now started humiliating me again and even beating me mercilessly."

Anjali looked at him who was holding her and than at Arnav who was still looking at Shyam all ready to kill him.  She again looked at Shyam and cupped his cheeks before whispering "Why?" and before Shyam can understand what is she asking she slapped him.

"Why?  Why did you do all this? I went against everyone to be with you,  I trusted you more than anyone, above everything. I gave you place of god and you? You were betraying me, cheating behind my back all the time?" She cried as she continued to slap him again and again.

Shyam somehow pulled himself behind as he tried to speak again "What are you talking Rani Sahiba? I think they have filled your ears, now I understand all this was a plan. To ask us to come back here so they can separate us." He said looking at Arnav who clenched his fist to not pounce on him again and smirked "You are right Shyam Manohar Jha,  it was a plan but not to separate you but show your real face to my sister who turned blind in your sweet talks and trusted you over everything and everyone. And this time I didn't left any loopholes in this plan, just wait for few minutes and than you will yourself accept that Khushi was telling truth all the time."

Arnav signed to Akash who nodded at him before walking to other side leaving Anjali to whom he was supporting till now.

To be continued........

Precap: Last Chapter

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