Part 20

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Raizada Mansion

It was dinner time, everyone was having their dinner chit- chatting about their day. Arnav looked at everyone and then at Khushi who was talking with Payal and again thinking about his decision he turned towards his Nani.

Arnav: Nani! I wanted to talk with you.
Nani: What is it chotte?
Arnav: First lets complete the dinner, in fact I want to tell something to everyone.
Anjali: Everything is fine chotte?
Arnav: Yes Di! Let’s just complete the dinner first.

After dinner everyone settled in living room to hear what Arnav wants to talk about and Nani started.

Nani: Yes chotte, now tell what do you want to talk?
Arnav: Nani, Di! I was thinking as you all know how Khushi likes cooking, so why not enroll her in some course of Hotel Management!
Anjali: But what’s the need? She already cooks good.
Arnav: I know she cooks amazing but here I am not talking about need. Di! All I want her to groom in what she likes, she can make her career in this line. She is not here to do the cooking, we have number of servants for it and if needed I can hire more.

Khushi: Arnav ji but……
Arnav: You stay quiet, I am talking with Nani. We’ll talk later about this.
Arnav (Nani): Basically Nani I want Khushi to become independent. I know I am here and she doesn’t need to do that but I also know she doesn’t like to sit idly. Now after Payal’s and Khushi’s marriage, her mother and Bua ji is struggling alone, her Babu ji is already on wheelchair. I know she wants to help them, but don’t know how, they wouldn’t take help from me beyond a limit as their self-respect doesn’t allow.

Arnav: In fact if Akash and you don’t have problem I think Payal should also go for it, they both are talented and cooks the best food. They just needs some grooming and than they can start catering business or restaurant as they like. In this way they will be able to help their family also. I can help them to start business now also but before that for long run in this field I want them to groom accordingly. They need to learn many things except cooking food for business, the presentation, other dishes apart from Indian etc.

Arnav: Nani I don’t see any problem in it and I have already made preparations for her enrollment in hotel Management diploma. I just need your permission and also wanted to ask if Payal can also join. Finished with what he have to said he looked at Nani, Mama ji and Anjali for their decision.

Anjali (sarcastically): Why do you need our permission chotte? If your wife wants that and you have already decided than who are we to say anything?
Arnav: Di why are you talking like that? And for your information Khushi wasn’t even aware of it, it’s my decision. Khushi looked down sadly, Anjali is treating with her so badly these days.
Akash: Nothing wrong bhai, in fact I also agree with you!
Manorma: Akash bitwa what are you saying? Now this khoon bhari taang will go out to study?
Manohar: Mano keep quiet! What’s wrong in it? And let Amma decide what should be done or not.
Arnav (eagerly): Nani!

Nani looked at him who was waiting for an answer, then to Anjali who was sitting beside Shyam holding him and than at Mama ji who nodded his head. With a sigh she turned towards Arnav and started speaking.

Nani: Chotte, though we have never considered something like that as it never happened in our family but now upon listening to whatever you said I don’t feel it’s wrong. Time is changing and we have to grow and move according to it, so if this is what you think can make my daughter-in-laws happy and strong to stand on their feet, than go with it.

Nani: I am thankful enough that you thought and considered taking permission from elders before taking any step. Khushi bitiya? She said looking at Khushi who looked at her instantly.

Nani: You want to do it?
Khushi: No Nani, if you feel I shouldn’t, I wouldn’t. I didn’t know Arnav ji is planning this otherwise I have stopped him.

Nani: Stop, stop! Why are you getting worried? Khushi bitiya, it’s not about what I want, elders always want happiness of their children and expect respect in return. You and Payal have accepted this family as your own whole heartedly than now it’s our duty to look after your happiness and responsibilities. So now tell me honestly, you want to do it?

Khushi looked at Payal who was already looking at her and then looking at Nani, both nodded in yes.

Nani (smiling): Than it’s yes from my side also chotte!

Arnav smiled and hugged her, he thanked Manohar who hugged him back saying how proud he is because of him. Anjali and Shyam left from there without saying anything which Arnav noticed “Now time to talk with Khushi.”

After changing into night clothes when Khushi came out of washroom Arnav wasn’t in room, looking at the open door of poolside she walked there herself. Arnav was sitting there on recliner thinking how to start and talk with Khushi about the matter when he felt her sitting beside him.

Khushi looked at him proudly, today whatever he did and how he thought about her family and their self-respect made her elated and proud of her husband.  Sitting beside him she hugged him sideways and whispered “Thank you Arnav ji”.

Arnav: No need to say Thank you. I know you like to live independently and I have seen the sadness in your eyes whenever you see your family struggling. Girls are not less these days in anything so they do not need to suffer just because they only have daughter and no son to take care of them.

Arnav: With time I’ll try to make them believe that I am also their son now and they don’t need to hesitate to ask anything from me if they need but now I know they’ll feel awkward and embarrassed. In this way you’ll able to help them and go forward with your passion also.

Khushi looked at him with happy tears in her eyes, she can’t thank the heavens above enough for giving her this man, from the night of their marriage he is giving her everything she wished, dreamt without even her saying, and what is she giving him in return ‘Nothing’ she thought inwardly.

She smiled looking at him who was explaining everything to know and before Arnav could understand and she herself know what she is doing she have placed her lips upon his. It lasted just for a second as she pecked his lips and retreated instantly, her face red and eyes looking down at the neckline of his t-shirt.

Arnav looked at her stunned, this is the first time after their marriage she have herself initiated something, slowly as what happened sunk in, a smile appeared on his face.  Holding her chin he made her look at him and asked her to lift her eyes so he can look into them, both their eyes held same love and passion for each other and pulling her closed Arnav fused their mouth together this time for a passionate, mind-numbing kiss.

Arnav: That’s how we kiss! So Mrs. Raizada when next time you feel like to kiss me, I want you to kiss me like this.

He said parting their lips for breath and keeping his forehead on hers and Khushi hugged him shyly making him laugh at her cuteness.

To be continued………………….

Precap: Arnav and Khushi talks.

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