Part 33

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She was just on the stairs when the main door opened and he walked inside, their eyes met and she almost fell looking into his bloodshot eyes. She clutched the railings for support looking into his eyes which were screaming of the pain, dejection and helplessness. She wanted to run into his arms and console her but somewhere she lost her ability to speak and move leaving her and before she can even compose herself to face him he was already walking pass by her side.

Khushi followed him inside the room and walked to poolside looking at him standing there. She took hesitant steps looking at his stiff back, she can see he I really angry and hurt about something. She gulped with fear because an angry ASR is no less then a monster if he lost his control but she couldn’t stay away either knowing something is hurting him real bad.

Khushi keeps her hand on his shoulder “Arnav ji” she whispered only to have him turn around and grip her forearms in harshly. “He was lying. He was lying. You can’t do this. You can’t do this right? He was lying, right?” Arnav bellowed angrily and Khushi looked at him confused trying hard to ignore the pain his hands are giving to her arms.

Khushi: What are you talking about? I can’t do, what? Who was lying?

Arnav hissed angrily “Shayam” making her eyes widen. Khushi stuttered “What did he say? You said you trust me? Jiji and I told you that he was lying and you also supported then what happened now?”

Arnav “I am not talking about that day, I am talking about whatever he said today and… “ he stopped remembering those damn words and Khushi looked at him shocked “You met him? You met him again today?” Khushi asked scared.

Arnav pushing her to wall behind them he keeps his forehead on hers as tears flew without any warning from his eyes “He was lying. Why? Why didn’t you tell me? You shouldn’t have gone this far for everyone Khushi. You shouldn’t!” Khushi cried herself unable to understand what he is talking about and cupped his face “What did I do Arnav ji?  I shouldn’t have done, what? I already told you sorry for hiding about him but trust me I jjust wanted to everyone to be happy especially Di and you.”

“But you shouldn’t have gone this far. I was alive Khushi, you should have just told me before taking that step under the influence of that bast**d. why are you making me hate myself more and more? Why are you hell bent to make me feel useless?” Arnav screamed pushing himself away from her.

Khushi tried to touch him, controlling her tears but he steps back “No! No please don’t touch me.” He turns his back to her “Just leave me alone, I want to be alone.” Khushi tried again “But..” cuts off by him “Just leave Dammit!!” Arnav growled angrily.

Khushi stumbled back the room trying to not piss him off some more but his words just making her more confuse. “What was he talking about? And he met Shaym today?” Suddenly her eyes widened as a thought crossed her mind “Have Shyam tried to feed him another set of lies.” She gasped hoping her fears to turn out wrong and again walked to poolside to confront Arnav but he was already left for another room and the door was closed.

Next morning when Khushi woke up from a very uncomfortable sleep as she was just thinking about all the possibilities for Arnav’s words. She looked at the time and her eyes widened, she hurriedly got up and left for the washroom to complete her morning essential and after taking a shower she almost ran down. She reached on dining table only to find Arnav missing “Where is Arnav ji?” she asked in confusion but soon regretted remembering Arnav’s words, family is not aware of their sudden changed living arrangements and they shouldn’t be.

But before she can say something to do the damage control, Payal answered her making her sigh in relief “Arnav ji left for office early today, he said you are sleeping so he didn’t wake you up. Now come on get ready Akash ji will drop us today.” Khushi nodded as she sat down to have her breakfast and after playing with it for a while and stuffing few morsels inside her mouth unwillingly she got up to bring her stuff.

Arnav was sitting on his chair with his head leaning back and eyes closed, he came to office early to not face anyone. It was getting difficult to stay under that roof which is reminding him of betrayals of closed ones again and again, so he ran away to his own personal den. He now by now all the staff have started entering in office to start their day but he just wished to stay away in silence. His life which was going perfect according to him just few days ago have now turned a complete mess.

He was still thinking about sudden events in his life when someone knocked the door making him groan in frustration, he have especially asked to put the board for “Do not disturb” then why in the hell they are doing it. “Come in” he asks angrily and saw Akash coming inside, he frowns but still asks “What happened Akash? Anything urgent?”

Akash (smiling): Kind off!

Arnav: Huh?
Akash: I meand for Khusgi ji it was urgent, so I have to do it.

Before Arnav can ask something he forwarded a tiffin box towards him with his medicines “When Khushi ji got to know you left without breakfast she packed it for you and also you forgot your medicines which in turn increased her worries more. So she have specially asked me to keep an eye on you that you have your breakfast and medicines.”

Arnav sighed looking at the tiffin and almost snatched from his hands “I’ll have it, you may go now.” But Akash stays there only nodding in No “ I can’t! I have promised Khushi ji that I’ll keep an eye on you till you don’t have your medicines.” Arnav groaned inwardly “crazy woman”.

Akash chuckles but suddenly gets serious “Everything is good between you two? I mean I know after what happened it’s difficult but we have talked about it earlier, right? Their intension weren’t wrong.” Arnav sighed as he spoke “So you sorted out everything with Payal?” Akash shrugged “ I thought that is best thing to do.” Arnav nodded and continued “I am happy for you Akash and about Khushi and me, I am not accusing her either but I need more time to adjust with this change.”

Akash nodded in understanding and asked him to finish his breakfast only then he’ll leave and Arnav did that gladly. After taking first bite of his breakfast only he realized how much hungry he was actually feeling. Inwardly he really felt content with Khushi’s care, he know she loves him but he just can’t digest the path she have chosen in this love and others happiness.

To be continued………..

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