Part 32

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Proofread by ShaniceKazmi

Khushi cried asking for his forgiveness as she keeps her forehead on the door, their hand touching each other with the door in between as they both slide down on the floor crying for themselves, yearning for each other, feeling the pain of being so near yet so far.

rabba ve...rabba ve

kyun dard hai itna 

(why there is so much pain)

tere ishq mein

(in your love)

rabba ve...rabba ve...

Next day Khushi woke up with great difficulty with a headache and body ache because she fell asleep near poolside in front of the closed door. As soon as she remembered the happenings of last night her eyes opened wide, she looked around to find herself in bed and then she saw Arnav who was already in his three-piece suit and now making his hairs standing in front of the mirror.

She smiled thinking that Arnav must have brought her inside the room and he is also here in their room. She comes out of bed and walks towards Arnav “ Arnav ji! Are you ready? Why didn’t you wake me up? Wait I’ll bring your coffee right away and also your breakfast.”

She turned to go but Arnav’s voice stopped her “You don’t need to do that, I’ll have something in office.”

Khushi “But Arnav ji I’ll make it in few minutes, please don’t go without having breakfast.”

Arnav gulped hearing her, the sadness in her voice made his heart clench painfully “Khushi I am here because I don’t want the family to make any assumptions or point at our relationship. No one should know that I slept in another room and there’s some problem between us. Already there’s so much going on, we don’t need to add something new. So cut the formalities and get ready for your classes, I’ll drop you on my way.” 

Saying this he left the room leaving Khushi in tears. She composed herself willing to do everything to make Arnav forgive her and bring the happiness of this family back. She knew somewhere she has done wrong by hiding Shyam’s truth from this family, if not Anjali then she could have told this truth to anyone in the family. She was no one to decide what is good for this family and what is not. Even after knowing Shaym’s truth she has kind of risked Anjali’s and his family’s life by not telling his true colours to the. What if, something wrong would have happened with anyone, who would have been responsible. 

And then her second mistake, even after getting married to Arnav and experiencing his Love, care and trust she still didn’t tell him about Shyam. She for once turned selfish unlike her selfless nature, she feared to lose Arnav, she feared to lose the Love he was bestowing on her and she stayed quiet thinking if he didn’t believe her she’ll lose it all.  

Arnav’s anger and disappointment, however much hurt her right now but she knows he is not wrong and now it’s her turn to make it up to him. She’ll try her best to earn his trust and Love again and she’ll do that. She knows he is just angry and disappointed, he still loves her and trusts her with the way he has supported her and this is enough reason for her to fight for his love and gain that same love and trust back. 

When Khushi walked downstairs Arnav was sitting on the dining table with Nani ji and feeding her, himself. She understood why he is on breakfast table when he wasn’t even willing to have coffee. He is just trying to make family come out of the shock of the happenings of yesterday. Khushi was also going to walk towards them but fearing about family’s reaction to her she stepped back but Arnav has already noticed her, he was silently waiting for her to join but when he saw her taking steps back, he called her and asked her to have her breakfast.

With slow and nervous steps she walks towards them and sits on the chair beside Arnav. She looks at others who were having their breakfast silently or should say playing with it. With a sigh, she served herself a little and looked at Arnav who was asking Nani to complete her breakfast then take her medicines while himself biting on his sandwich but the silence was broken by Manorama. 

Manorma “I can’t believe the daughter of this house has left this house and we don’t know where she is and here the reason behind it sitting among us and acting like nothing has happened.” She snorted looking at Khushi in anger and disgust and Khushi cringed looking at the disgust in her eyes for her. Her spoon fell from her hand and she tried to get up, gulping her tears before they can fall down when Arnav held her hand asking her to sit back and complete her breakfast.”

Arnav “Mami I know you’re worried about Di and we all are but I have told it yesterday also that I believe in Khushi and Shyam was the lying. About where is Di, well wherever she is, she is with her husband whom she trusted more than her own brother. So I don’t think you need to worry too much about her if you think her decision was right.”

Mami looked away unable to reply him back but Arnav still continued, “And I don’t want anyone, and I mean it anyone from this family treating Khushi and Payal bad in any way. They did what they thought will be best for the family, so let’s finish it here only.”

After that, no one said anything and completing their breakfast Arnav took Nani ji to her room and asked Khushi to wait in the car. Payal also looked at Akash who have just like his brother have shown his disappointment in her last night and talking with her only when necessary and her Mother-in-law have just got an another excuse to taunt her, ignore her but she’ll try her best. Her intentions weren’t wrong but still, she didn’t do right either by hiding this truth, so with a smile, she’ll earn back forgiveness from her husband and family. May be not as strong as Khushi but she is also her sister, and she’ll not accept defeat so easily neither she’ll let anyone crush their self-respect. 

To be continued……………..

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