Part 26

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Running his hand roughly on his face, he messed up his hairs as he tried to control his anger. He has gone to talk with Di to sort out this tension but instead, his own thoughts have been messed up now. He punched his laptop keys in anger trying to divert his mind but her words are coming back to him again and again. He got up almost throwing his laptop away in frustration, with a groan he scattered all the things around him. "Dammit!"

Arnav: What the hell Di meant? Why suddenly her thoughts changed about Khushi? What has she seen or noticed that I didn't?

"And why she said Jija Ji have forbidden her to tell anything to me?"

"What even Jija Ji has to do with all this?"He sat on the bed holding his face in his palms when a thought crossed his mind. He looked around and searching his phone he dialed Shaym's number but it was not reachable, he dialed few more times but the answer was same. He threw the phone away in anger and thought to talk to Khushi about all of this ****.

Arnav: What the hell is happening? Everything was going so perfect then why this sudden changes? Why Di suddenly changed her thoughts about Khushi? And from where Jija Ji get involves in this matter?

Arnav: Maybe I am just thinking too much. There is nothing wrong about Jija Ji's behaviour, it's just Di. Maybe Jija Ji just supported her taking care of her pregnancy and therefore to maintain piece Jija Ji forbidden her to say anything for time being.

Arnav: Yes. Yes, that is possible! In fact, I am sure this is the reason, jiju is supporting her because of her pregnancy hormones and even he knew that she is just overthinking, therefore, he stopped her to tell anything and create more problem looking at the way she's acting these days.

He sighed as finally, his heart settled with this explanation, "There is nothing wrong with Khushi, it's just Di's over thinking in her insecurity due to her hormonal changes. She is just searching for excuses and jija Ji like always is trying to handle the situation."

Khushi opened the door and entered the room she was shocked to see the mess their room has become. She looked around for Arnav and found him sitting on the recliner with his back facing her, looking at his rigid form she can easily tell he is tense about something and really frustrated. Taking careful steps she walked towards him, after a long time she is looking at his ASR side like earlier.

Khushi: Arnav ji.... She called him keeping her hand on his shoulder. Arnav: I want to be alone for a while Khushi. He said without turning towards her afraid he might say or do something stupid- but how can he forget the woman beside him has acted opposite always.

Khushi: I wouldn't!

Arnav: Khushi, please! He urged trying hard to keep his frustration in control. Khushi looked at him worried and removed her hand, Arnav sighed but next moment he found her hugging him from behind and caressing his shoulder from one hand. He closed his eyes as she kissed him on his other shoulder rubbing her behind his back. She just sat there with him like this in silence, giving him her support and also giving him time to calm his nerves. As his muscles slowly started to relax his hand slowly cupped her hand above his chest and pulled it to his mouth kissing it "I am fine Khushi, just some tension in work."

Khushi: I know! I just want to with you like this, can't I? Arnav smiled, knowing very well she is lying just like him, not to make him embarrassed. Turning back he cupped her face, kissed on her forehead "I love you."

Khushi: I know! And I love you too!

Arnav: I can't tell you anything for now but trust me I'll sort this out soon.

Khushi: I trust you, Arnav Ji. I'll wait! Arnav smiled as he engulfed her in his arms thanking her for support. He wouldn't ask her anything, he wouldn't question her anything about what Di said. He doesn't want her to think that he don't trust her, he will wait for Jija Ji. Once he is back he'll clear this matter with him only.To be continued..............Precap: Shyam back in RM

Drabble: Fragile Hearts ||COMPLETED|| #IAAWhere stories live. Discover now